Kapuhai Reef

Student Parking Lot

Ally - 7-10-2014 at 08:27 AM

[pic here]

Students parking vehicles should have proper decals visible at all times

Derrick - 11-10-2014 at 03:34 PM

Derrick sighed, pulling his bag out of the passenger seat as he slid out the driver’s side of his car. His night had been shit. First Devyn left him high and fucking dry after starting something she didn’t want to finish. If that wasn’t bad enough she’d stopped him over the one nigga he’d worked so hard to fucking separate her from. Then he’d spent all night going over where things went wrong between them, his mind unable to think of anything else except...Taylor. He felt like shit about that too. He’d outed her business, however subtly. Damn...Today was supposed to be his fucking day. He was supposed to get out his ride, with Devyn by his side and they were supposed to be today’s talk. Hell, the next week’s talk. Derrick Davidson and Devyn Devereaux. A couple. A thing.

That wasn’t the case and he wasn’t going to say anything to contradict it. Yeah, sure, Derrick had been known to stretch the truth with one or two of his conquests before, but Devyn was a conquest. She was going to be respected. Because despite what happened last night, Derrick still had hope. He hadn’t imagined them vibing before the kitchen. There was chemistry there and Derrick wanted to explore it. Devyn did too, he just had to show her she did. locking the door to his ride, he slipped his keys in his pocket and began a slow walk toward the plaza. He had time to just chill before class and he was sure somebody was out there he could sit with. He wasn’t feeling talking today too much…

And the look on Koi’s face said he wasn’t here for words either. Derrick hadn’t gotten far before he saw him, looking like he hadn’t shaved in a week and he’d showered even less frequently. Derrick smirked. He didn’t mean to, but if there was one thing he didn’t regret about last night, it was his phone call to Koi to let him know his time with Devyn was up. Fuck him.

“Kidd! Wassup? You seen Dev today? She left her phone at my crib last night and I’m trying to get it back to her.”

Koi - 11-10-2014 at 05:59 PM

Real fuckin' cute. Koi knew when he was being baited and as he left the side of the Range Rover that he'd been standing next to, he was very sure that he didn't want to play that game today. He'd hadn't waited in the Student Parking Lot for over an hour for games. He was done with games. Especially when it came to Derrick, his friend. His boy. The nigga he rode for. The motherfucker that he'd trusted. But that was all over now as Devyn's phone call had taken care of that. His voice. Her moans. Remembering the shit that had happened the night before made Koi's features darken even further, his jaw clenching as he watched Derrick notice him, the friendliness in his words a fucking joke. The smirk that he wore was more real than anything else. It was the smirk of a nigga that had just dished out the "okiedoke" on some unsuspecting, trusting dumbass. And that unsuspecting, trusting dumbass just happened to be Koi Kidd.

He still couldn't believe it. That all along...it'd been Derrick. With all the questions about Devyn, all of the "status checks" that he made on the regular about where Koi and Devyn stood. All of the conversations about Koi and who he "use to be" and wasn't anymore...because of Devyn. All of it had just been to slip in the fucking back door. And Koi let him. Like a dumbass, he let him! He ignored Dhonny's warnings, he ignored Miyu's side eyes and he trusted Derrick. Let him in. Gave him all the ammunition he needed to fire shoots necessary to finally fuck Koi all the way over. And Derrick took the opportunity, didn't he? Koi's stupidity and Devyn's open legs were an amazing opportunity.

Koi's steps slowed as he stood next to Derrick's car, his unblinking stare and uncharacteristic silence leaving Derrick's question unanswered. His nostrils flared at how casual Derrick was being. Like he didn't just stab his boy in the back. Like he didn't just feed on a situation like the fucking leech he was and come out on the other side smelling like flowers. Like he didn't... like he didn't just steal his boy's girl... WHICH he fucking didn't, according to Koi. Right? Because Devyn wasn't his. She never had been. And she never would be, now that she was Derrick's.

"I mean..." Koi finally said, after what would've been him, sizing up some random nigga whose ass he was about to whoop up on...if he'd been a random nigga. If he hadn't been the asshole that'd been masquerading as his friend...

"...you would probably know better than me, boy. Since you spent the night with her." His hands, which were behind his back, came to view at his side...his right hand holding the neck of the softball bat that his Pops, in some sort of weird display of fatherly affection, purchased for Eri. She never used it though as it was probably just Shemar's attempt at finding some sport she was good at so he could milk her for money and sports contracts, too. His hand tightened around the neck as he lightly tapped in against his leg. Koi's tone was too light for the expression on his face. He was too...cordial...especially when the red rising to his face signaled dangerous anger. Anger that would erupt soon enough...

"You know what I wanna know?" He asked Derrick, his eyes boring a hole into his two-faced "friend" so deep that he didn't notice the small crowd of students that noticed the exchange and were starting to gather...

"When'd you figure out that you wanted her? First time you saw her...or the first time you saw her with me? Which one was it...?"

Derrick - 12-10-2014 at 10:08 AM

Who ever thought there would come a day when Derrick would know better than Koi on where Devyn was. Today was it because, he was right. Derrick had spent an evening with Devyn. Sure, she left before what Koi was thinking could happen, but would Derrick tell him that? Hell no. Fuck him! He was so sick of Koi Kidd’s bullshit. For a fucking year and a half, the Kidd and his fucking sidekick Dhonny had been trying their damndest to keep Derrick away from Devyn. They’d treated him like a fucking tag-along, their distaste for his presence obvious whenever he showed up to shit he was fucking invited to. The superiority complex Koi had had been a burden and an annoyance that he would not suffer anymore. Fuck him. Derrick knew he didn’t feel so fucking high and mighty now that “his girl” had a new man. Him. Derrick. Fuck him. Because he was a liar and a disrespectful fucker who deserved whatever he was feeling right now.

And what could Koi really say about Derrick fucking Devyn? He had given him plenty of chances to claim her. Plenty of opportunities to classify Dev as off limits to anyone’s hands but his...because they’d been fucking. With the way Devyn ran off last night, there was no way Derrick could deny seeing that as anything but fact now. They’d been sleeping together for who knew how long and Koi still hadn’t had the common fucking sense to claim her. In fact, his dumbass did the exact opposite, letting her and everyone else know they weren’t together. And he expected a girl like Devyn to wait for him? Ha. Devyn could have her pick of men. She could choose and she’d chosen Derrick. And apparently that pissed Koi off. Derrick watched as Koi’s hands fell to his sides, revealing a softball bat...The fuck?

He spoke again, asking Derrick when he became interested in Devyn. Making this shit about him again. Derrick rolled his eyes, sighing as he opened his mouth to speak. “I know it’s hard for you bruh, but shit is not always about you-,” he could feel all eyes on them, the KPA rumor mill quickly churning tweets out into the twitterverse to let everybody know what was happening here. But they would be disappointed because Derrick knew where this was going. Nowhere. Koi was a hot head but he wasn’t a fucking psycho. He wasn’t going to do shit with that bat and he didn’t have a reason to be mad about Devyn. According to his logic, Dev could fuck who she wanted to. They weren’t together. He was not her man.

“It doesn’t matter when I got interested in Devyn. I didn’t ask for her last night, she came to me. And with the bullshit you put her through, are you really questioning why?”

Koi - 13-10-2014 at 05:34 AM

...the shit is not always about you- It wasn't? Well, that was a surprise considering the fucking drawn out way that Derrick had been plotting against a nigga from the JUMP. Koi knew it now. It had all started coming together like some semi-elaborate jigsaw puzzle as soon as he heard Derrick's voice on Devyn's call last night. Why though? It wasn’t even about Devyn, to be honest. It came down to one simple fact...that little motherfucker had a jealous streak the size of Texas and Koi got stuck in the tractor beam of it. Derrick's envy had him scheming against someone he called his "friend" like there was no love lost and Koi guessed there wasn't...since the friendship had been a fucking joke in the first place. Derrick may have ran his mouth too much. He may just have gotten on Koi's last fucking nerve more often than he didn't, but one thing was for sure...Koi had his back. And he would've never pulled some shit like this on him. Even "dick blocking" him with Devyn at his own birthday party didn't fucking compare to this! This was dirty. It was thought out and fucking malicious. And it did everything but literally SAY what Koi had been thinking since he woke up that morning. Derrick didn't give a shit about him. He'd disguised himself as a friend, but Derrick was only a envy-green snake in the fucking grass. Just like Dhonny had always told Koi and Koi had refused to see the truth…

“No.” Koi seemed to answer Derrick’s question simply, his voice still placid. “No...you misunderstood the question. I’m not asking you about Devyn.” And Koi wasn’t. That was never the purpose of his question to Derrick. He didn’t need feedback on the shit that he was going through with Devyn because of that fact. HE was going through it with her, not Dhonny, not Miyu, and for damn sure not Derrick. He didn’t want to hear what Derrick thought about the situation, especially when the nigga was only half-versed on everything ANYWAY. No, he wanted to hear what was going on in this nigga’s head. Koi wanted to know when Derrick felt moved and motivated to backstab his homie.

“I’m asking you about you.” The venom in his voice was evident with that statement, Koi’s jaw clenching before he spoke again. “When the fuck did the jealous start, my nigga?” Koi’s hand tightened around the neck of the bat again, the anger pulsing through him making his hand shake in anticipation.

“...because a motherfucker has to be feeling some type of a way to plot and scheme the way yo’ pussy ass did. So when was it? I really want to know. I wanna know what made you get so fucking green that you needed to one up a nigga just to feel like you accomplished shit.” His teeth were grinding against each other as he stared Derrick down, refusing to look anywhere else but that grimey ass traitor’s eyes.

“WHEN!?” He shouted, the calm leaving his voice as he grasped the bat in both hands. He aimed the bat at the driver side window of Derrick’s car, the short distance he stood away from it meaning he’d shatter it if he got the swing out.


Derrick - 13-10-2014 at 02:12 PM

If he wasn’t asking about Devyn what the fuck did they have to talk about? Their friendship was way past dead. Had been ever since Koi started turning tricks on chicks that he didn’t deserve. Chicks that were out of his league. Women like Devyn. So Derrick had answered his question. He just hadn’t said anything he wanted to hear. Shit wasn’t about him. Devyn came to him. Derrick was telling him the truth instead of kissing his ass for a change and he didn’t know how to handle it. Well too fucking bad. That was all Derrick had the energy for today and while he should have told a half truth about Devyn keeping him busy last night and let Koi’s imagination run wild, he held his tongue. Which was also a mistake because this nigga wouldn’t shut up.

Jealousy? HA! Derrick allowed himself to chuckle which turned into a laugh. “Jealous? Are you fucking shitting me?” He had to be that had to be a fucking joke. “Why the fuck would I be jealous of you? My GPA is a three-eight. I come from money that won’t dry up in a few years after my ‘rents retirement. And I get bitches just as bad, strike that, badder than yours. Why the fuck would I be jealous?” More truth. Koi thought he was hot shit because his dad USED TO BE hot shit? He was sadly mistaken and when Koi got done shooting and sniffing and smoking and pissing his father money away in about a year or two more, he’d know what the fuck he really was. Trash, parading around in $300 Jordans and calling himself important. FUCK HIMMMMM!

WHEN?! Derrick watched in horror as Koi advanced on Cherry raising his bat like he wanted to take out one of her windows. THE FUCK?! The fuck was his damn problem? Derrick slowly stepped forward, letting Koi yell. He could be as mad as he wanted to. If he touched Cherry, Derrick was gonna light his ass up. This shit had gone on long enough and now it had gone way too far. Koi tells his...whatever she was, that he’s fucking done with her and she finds someone new AND Derrick made a fucked up decision? Nah.

“Koi-,” his voice came as calmly as Koi’s had been before Derrick started dropping truth bombs all over this war. “My nigga I promise you. I fucking promise you. You swing that muthafuckin’ bat and you gonna get the New Yorker up outta me real fucking fast. I’m not here to play games with you.” And he wasn’t. Fuck that! Koi was playing with Cherry. He was crossing the line. Derrick knew what he wanted to her, but If he really wanted to know what it was…

“Fuck ya feelin’s ain’t no muthafuckin’ “sorry”s, bitch.”

Koi - 13-10-2014 at 04:59 PM

It was Koi's turn to laugh, Derrick naming off all the things in his life that made it easier for him NOT to be jealous of Koi. But really, everything he named off just made the situation worse. The dude was jealous. He was a jealous motherfucker. When it started, when what Koi found out was just a fucking lie of a friendship began, Derrick nearly worshiped the ground Koi walked on. When Koi was trying everything new under the sun, so was Derrick. When Koi finished with a bitch, she rolled over and onto Derrick's dick. But now, Derrick was too good to hate on the Kidd? Fucking lies. His perfect, cookie cutter life only made it more SAD that he looked at a trainwreck like Koi...and still wanted to be him. Koi wasn't blind to who he was and reminding him didn't make the truth hurt any worse. The truth was just the truth, but at least he KNEW who he was. And with the fucked up grades, the washed up basketball legend of a father and the drugs that proved to be almost the only thing keeping him going, Derrick still couldn't see outside of the jealousy he felt for Koi. And that was sad as fuck...just like Derrick's denial. Just like his betrayal.

But Koi didn't want to argue what he already knew and he wasn't expecting Derrick to even get NEAR admitting his envy. But Koi was at least expecting him to ball up and admit how much of a two-faced bitch he was. And as Koi was figuring out, that wasn't happening either. Because Derrick didn't see what he did as wrong, he didn't respect the sham of a friendship that they'd been keeping up for as long as they had. And what was real? Koi, when he really thought about it, didn't either. He didn't respect Derrick, never had. But he defended him, kept him out of trouble, kept his DICK from falling off when he was stupid enough to crawl up in some of the "baddest bitches" he stayed talking about. He hadn't been the best friend to Derrick, but he for damn sure would've never done this shit.

Which is why his threat wasn't a damn joke. Did he fucking stutter? Even as Derrick moved closer to him, Koi's anger deepened the grimace he wore. And Derrick kept on talking the same dumb- what? He said what?

"Excuse me?! You said-" Koi's arms dropped as he nearly doubled over from the laughter that followed Derrick's threat. Where the fuck did this bold ass nigga come from?

"Nigga." He said, trying to stifle his chuckle. "The New Yorker? Motherfucker, you're from Albany, nigga!" He laughed again, propping himself up as he leaned on the bat at his side.

"Preppy ass, bitch made muthafucka..." He muttered, his grin still on his face even though his words turned darker. "...But do believe. I'm straight from D-town, baby." Koi turned around and pointed the bat at Derrick's car again, talking over his shoulder.

"And I don't say shit that I don't back up. And your disrespectful ass is asking for me to prove it. Mother fucking gladly, nigga. A motherfucker's done talking anyway." Koi's words kept going as he walked to the car, Derrick's warnings persisting. He didn't give a fuck. He'd made it quite plain, just like Derrick had when he said he wasn't "apologizing" for being a backstabbing bastard. Koi got it. He understood a nigga putting his foot down. Hell, he could put his foot down too. Pulling himself on the hood of the car, he felt the steel of the car shift underneath his weight, his Timberland boots definitely making a dent in the hood. He turned around, holding the bat out again. Pointing it at Derrick who had come close enough to pull Koi from the top of the car.

"DON'T..." He started, his bat pointing right at Derrick's head. "...fucking touch me. I will COLD CLOCK yo' motherfucking deceitful ass." The grin was completely gone as Koi stared at Derrick, daring him to even LOOK like he was about to touch him.

Derrick - 14-10-2014 at 04:17 PM

Preppy ass, bitch made muthafucka…Derrick let him laugh. He let him keep talking, digging himself deeper into this ass whooping he was about to get handed. ESPECIALLY if he thought he was about to touch Cherry with that damn softball bat. There were few material things Derrick cared about. He had a pocket watch that had belonged to his great grandfather. When he was four his mother had knitted him a cap that looked like a bear; he kept it around for sentimental reasons. Those things were important to him. But above both of those was this car. Derrick was 17 and he’d bought this ride himself. He’d worked for this car. He’d spent his last two summers ghost writing speeches for the Clinical Operations Officer at Mahelona Memorial. Sure, Derrick wasn’t a fucking professor of English. It was one of his worst subjects actually, but he did have a way with words. He could manipulate emotion and language and convince anyone of anything. It was a rare talent and it’d paid generously. He bought this car with his own money, with his own fucking work, and he would be damned if Koi Kidd, a nigga who’d never worked for shit in HIS LIFE, take it from him!

No! Fuck this guy! And fuck how he was feeling about any of this bullshit! He knew what this was really about. He wanted Derrick to apologize. To admit he had done something wrong in what he’d done last night with Devyn. BUT HE HADN’T. He hadn’t done shit wrong and he wasn’t about to pretend he had. Koi was his own man. He made his own decisions just like Derrick and if he was deciding to fuck with Derrick’s ride he was also deciding to take this fucking beating. So Derrick stood back, watching him take action now that he was “done talking anyway”. Good Derrick too...But damn, if his heart didn’t drop to his fucking feet when Koi jumped on the hood of his car, hearing her bend beneath his feet. FUCK!

He stepped up, prepared to pull Koi off the top of her. He swung that bat, a loud “don’t” leaving his mouth and Derrick barely dodged it before Koi pointed it at him. Threatening him. This motherfucker had lost it and there seemed to be no turning back. Derrick opened his mouth to tell him what was going to happen if he went through with this. He opened it to give him just one more chance to take his L and move the fuck on. But before he could Koi turned his back to him and brought that damn bat over his head with both hands before swinging it at full force down on the windshield.

He didn’t even feel himself move, but he seemed to blink and he had yanked Koi’s leg from under him. He watched as Koi fell forward, landing hard enough on top of the car for his head to put another crack in the windshield. FUCK! He pulled his leg again, yanking him off the hood and watching him hit the ground.

He was going to murder this motherfucker.

Koi - 15-10-2014 at 05:07 AM

Koi couldn’t lie, the sound of glass crunching underneath the swing of Eri’s softball bat was one of the most satisfying sounds he’d heard all fucking week. In between all of the drunken calls from Devyn, his own fucked up thoughts, Dhonny’s admonishings, and Derricks’ bullshit, the shit was almost therapeutic. All the anger, all the hurt, the regret...everything...he could literally feel it pulsing down his arms and into that swing as he brought the bat down onto Derrick’s windshield. It had been building up for so long that it wasn’t anger that raised his bat again, it was the need for relief. He needed to feel it again, that surge of release, another jolt of “done”. Because he was...done with all of this. With Devyn and the chokehold she had on his fucking throat. With Dhonny and Miyu, guilting him like he wasn’t human, like they didn’t know who he was. And with Derrick...well, after he got done totaling the motherfucker’s car, at least. But his swing was interrupted, a pull at his leg knocking him off balance, making him fall forward, a sickening crack underneath him as he landed on the hood of the car. Koi couldn’t tell whether the crack was from the windshield beneath him...or one of his bones breaking, but he knew if he hadn’t been so worked up, he would’ve yelled out in pain. This was supposed to hurt, right? He was supposed to feel...something. But he couldn’t...he was numb.

Another pull to his leg yanked him off of the hood of the car, the softball bat clattering to the pavement. He fell hard, his knees hitting the ground before his face could, trying to turn over as the first jolt from his fall had him unbalanced. Before he could shake off the dizziness, he felt a hard jolt on the side of his face, his head nearly banging against the bumper of Derrick’s car. He couldn’t see who was on him, all he felt was the punch, followed by another...and another...and another...and why the fuck wasn’t he fighting back!? Instinctively, his fists aimed for his attacker’s sides, punching until he felt him try to protect himself. And then, Koi didn’t know how it happened, but he was on top of him...Derrick. If Koi hadn’t been there at that moment, he wouldn’t have believed him. He was in a FIGHT with Derrick Davidson, his boy. His fucking nigga. Not anymore...there was no coming back from this.

“Put your fucking hands down.” He felt himself say, pushing Derrick’s arms out of the way as another one of Koi’s punches hit his face so hard, Koi saw his head jerk violently to the side. He punched again, Derrick’s hand twisting out of Koi’s grip and landing another hard punch, this time to Koi’s ear. Stars exploded in front of Koi’s eyes, his body starting to kilter off to the side before he caught himself and returned the punch. With earnest.

“PUT YOUR GODDAMN HANDS DOWN, NIGGA.” He shouted, his voice strange and gruff, another punch catching Derrick’s mouth, stinging Koi’s knuckles as he hit bone. Derrick's hips bucked roughly, Koi's body swaying to the side as he jabbed again, hitting the flesh of Derrick's cheek.

Devyn - 15-10-2014 at 01:43 PM

She’d said it over and over again. She shouldn’t be going to see this. Devyn had slowed Miyu down at least three times trying to reason with her. To tell her that the last the Koi needed to see if he was trying to fight anybody was her. He hated her. He hated her just as much as she wanted to hate him and her trying to stop him from doing what he wanted would make things worse, not better. Rumor had it he and Derrick were getting into it in the parking lot. There was no doubt in her mind that the rumor was fact because of what she knew Koi thought. That he’d slept with Devyn; that Devyn had slept with him. Hell, going to see this fight was the last thing she should have been doing because she was probably next. The level of betrayal was too real. Sure, Derrick hadn’t known the whole story, but it was obvious to everyone she and Koi had something. Derrick knew Devyn wasn’t to be tried, but as soon as she and Koi were done, he was back...not that Devyn didn’t have anything to do with that. She’d been the one to start all this shit, she would admit that. But, Derrick...Derrick was supposed to be his friend.

Although you wouldn’t have thought that now. Rounding the corner to the parking lot, they could hear the mob that had formed around a fight that had already started. Dhonny’s bag fell from his shoulder as he took off in a sprint toward the crowd, probably to pull Koi off of Derrick and save him from himself. Devyn’s steps slowed again. She couldn’t do this! She hadn’t seen him in a week and she did not want to see him like this. Hurt. Not physically, but she couldn’t bear to look at him in pain over something she’d done to him. Miyu tugged her along, her lips moving, probably telling her to ‘come on’ again, but Devyn couldn’t hear her. Things seemed to be moving in slow motion and the sound of ‘ooh’s and ‘damn’s from the crowd were all that was making it to her. She was having a weird out of body kind of experience where she could see Miyu, pushing through the crowd to get them to the front where the action was. Where Koi was. What was she supposed to do now? Miyu had told her she needed to stop it when they got here, but how was she supposed to do that? What was she...supposed…

All of her thoughts stopped as they finally came to the fight, with Koi on top of Derrick trying to knock his teeth to the back of his throat, but Derrick landing hits just as nice. Devyn sprang forward, only to have Miyu pull her back, her arm wrapped all the way around her waist as she held her on the sidelines. “Mi, let go!” He was hurting him! Koi probably couldn’t hear with the shot Derrick had just landed at his ear. She needed in! But Miyu, the very person who fucking brought her here wasn’t having it? She heard her tell her to let Dhonny handle it, but she didn’t even see him! She called out, his name leaving her lips with more care than it had in the whole week they’d been without one another. None of the bullshit mattered anymore. None of it was relevant. What was was--damn.

The tables turned and Koi was telling Derrick to put his hands down, his fist slamming into the side of his skull. PUT YOU FUCKING HANDS DOWN! Another straight to his mouth. Derrick was fading fast and there was no reason to wonder why. Koi was hitting twice as hard and twice as often as Derrick was it it seemed like no matter how much Derrick gave back, the kid was coming harder. Devyn winced as Derrick supplied a clean shot to Koi’s side only to have him retaliate with another low to his face. This needed to end.

“Koi! STOP!” She didn’t know why she tried...He couldn’t hear her. This would be over when he was done and not a second before...she only hoped Derrick was still breathing then.

Koi - 16-10-2014 at 05:56 AM

All that Koi could hear, besides the blood rushing in his ears, was the sick “thwack” of his punches hitting Derrick’s face. But fuck if the sound of it wasn’t therapeutic as hell, the thought to stop not even crossing Koi’s mind. Because he could’ve kept on doing this for hours, the aggression that he’d been holding onto for weeks seeping out of him with every blow. The cathartic bashing in of Derrick’s motherfucking skull. Who knew that this was all it took? Fist to Flesh. Knuckles to bone. Another pathway to the “numb” that Koi had grown to cherish. The goading voices, responses from the crowd, even someone calling his name...none of that penetrated the wall of senselessness that he’d formed around himself. Nothing was messing with his numb…nothing.

Koi! STOP! Not even that voice. Her voice. If there was ever a voice that could fight through the darkness in him, it was THAT fucking voice. Devyn. She was there and she was watching him. He didn’t care. She shouldn’t have cared. Why did she care?! This was about HER. What she’d done to push him to this place of “no fucks given”. But, just like he couldn’t do it before, he couldn’t do it now. Blame her. Not completely. They shared the fault of this. Him, throwing her away like he had in front of EVERYONE. He knew he was wrong for that. But shit, he’d BE wrong to save her fucking life. He’d be wrong to save her from himself. But her? The get back? It was extreme. Something to catch his attention. Something to kill a piece of him inside that he’d never known was there. Something to make him never want to touch or see her again… So he didn’t look. He kept punching...and punching...and…

Gasping as something grabbed him around his chest, the last thrust of his fist barely grazing the side of Derrick’s head before his hands went to the arms wrapped around him. He pulled at them, cursed them.

“KIDD! Calm down!” The voice of the arms holding him hit his ear and kept pulling him from Derrick’s body. He was barely moving...he wasn’t moving and Koi didn’t give a damn. With one last burst of defiance, Koi’s leg kicked as hard as he could, his Timberland catching the side of Derrick’s head, jerking it forcefully. A loud “Shit, Kidd!!!” came from behind Koi as a final, rough tug moved him out of Derrick’s reach.

“You’re done. You’re done, Kidd. It’s finished...” The person pulling him away from Derrick kept saying as he’d moved Koi backwards to keep him from doing anymore damage. Koi’s chest heaved underneath the person’s arms as he stared at Derrick, his rage still fresh.