Kapuhai Reef

Busy Bee Cafe

Ally - 20-3-2011 at 02:39 PM

The only real "soul food" on the island. Dine-in or take-out available.

Epicurus - 29-4-2011 at 05:00 PM

Busy Bee. He was having lunch with her here...that was if she decided to show up. Epic closed the game of 'Words with Friends' he had been playing with his sister and checked the time. He was still a little early, but low key something was telling him she wasn't coming. With what little he knew about her, it was obvious that she wasn't much for dates...not that this was one. He had simply taken a hint and ran with it. He'd probably never get her to admit it, but Serita had wanted this. Queen was just to afraid to ask for it, so Epic helped her out a little. Hopefully he didn't regret it later.

He turned, studying the bustling street outside the restaurant window and wondered how much longer he would be his own company...

Serita - 29-4-2011 at 05:34 PM

Checking the face of her phone for the time, which she had done a consecutive seventeen times since she left her dorm room in Frear, Serita couldn't help but mentally curse the hell out of her roommate! Her roomie, Nikki, meant well. She always meant well. But damn! It was like living with a handbook entitled, "What Every Woman Should Know When Going On A First Date." And this "outing" wasn't even a date! Which Serita had mentioned to her over zealous roommate a million times. She only had her big ass mouth to thank for opening up and saying anything about where she was headed. Nikki and all her questions! "Where are you going?" "You know yo' ass don't go anywhere except for work and class!" Oh and Serita couldn't forget the ever popular, "So you hidin' shit, heffa?" Ugh. She could just about mock the neck jerks that accompanied every single ONE of those interfering questions. It was like the damn Spanish Inquisition! Again, Nikki MEANT well. At least that was the mantra that Serita kept repeating to herself as her roommate just about tackled her when she found out that Serita was very comfortable with wearing a pair of sweat pants out to eat with this "mystery guy". Yep, Epicurus was still a "mystery" as he wasn't anything to talk about! Just a classmate, nothing more. Yeah...nothing more.

After coming to some type of compromise with her clothes and hair, Serita fled from the room as fast as she could. Not to get to Busy Bee. More like to get away from Nikki before she could ask anymore questions...or try to throw a relaxer in her natural do, claiming the men at KRU didn't like "nappy heads". Real pro-black of her, really. Serita wasn't studyin' Nikki, she rarely did. And thanks to her quick escape, she'd made it to the restaurant just in time, hopefully with time to spare so that she could get a water or something! The walk over made her thirsty as...

What the hell? Did her eyes deceive her? Nope. There was Mr. Tall, Dark and Know it all sitting in a booth near the window of the small restaurant. Ha. How like him to be early. Someone had a "perfection" complex and it wasn't Serita. With a deep breath and a smirk, she pushed open the swinging, glass door of the restaurant, a tinkling bell announcing her arrival.

Epicurus - 29-4-2011 at 06:47 PM

Well. He couldn’t say he was disappointed when he finally did see her. The bell jingled above the small cafe door signaling her arrival and he waved a little as her eyes fell on his. She was...cute. Her style was eclectic and he liked that; she wore it well. Now when he factored in her attitude things got a little rough. She was just so damn abrasive about...well, damn near everything. Today he guessed he would try to get to the bottom of why. Well not exactly the bottom, but he was sure to scratch the surface. He knew she hadn’t just come to talk more about feminism, at least he hoped not.

What? Was it too much to ask for regular conversation? In the time between that class and now, he’d come to terms with the fact that he wanted to get to know this Queen. What made her tick? Who was she? What was she into? He was...interested.

He stood as she approached, “Hey-,” she started simply. “You look nice.” He was trying to be sweet. Offering an olive branch. “Should we sit?” he asked sliding back into the booth as she took the seat opposite his. He refused to let an awkward silence fall between them so he spoke again. “So how’s your Saturday going so far?”

Serita - 29-4-2011 at 07:37 PM

Entering the restaurant, three things caught her attention. The first was the blowing air from the probably ancient air conditioner met her skin, cooling her from the heat of the blaring, Hawaiian sun. It was such a welcomed sensation that she nearly closed her eyes and stood under it for a second longer than she should have. After almost four years, would she ever get use to this damn heat? The second thing that the restaurant greeted her with was the smells of amazing home cooking! She'd heard some good things about Busy Bee's, but she didn't put too much weight into what the locals told her about the place. She was thoroughly convinced that only Southerners knew what real "soul food" was and what it tasted like. But from the smell alone, she knew right then and there that she had a few people to apologize to for not taking their advice and eating at the small restaurant sooner! Everything smelled delicious and it was a good thing that she came hungry because she sure wasn't leaving that way! She surely wasn't one of those girls that tried to play cute when they were in front of a good looking guy and only order a "salad". And...not like she was saying Epic was good looking or anything. She was just...sayin'! If he was paying, she was about to eat a hole in his wallet.

And the third and final thing that caught her attention? Epicurus. His eye met hers before she even had to worry about catching his attention. She returned his small wave with a nod and a...grimace that she really hoped turned into more of a smile as she got closer to him. And surprise, surprise. It actually did, especially when he stood and greeted her as she approached the table. Well...a gentleman? Hm. She guessed chivalry wasn't too dead. Just maybe in a coma. Putting her bag in the booth before she slid in, her eyes stayed on him. "Hey yourself..." She replied to his greeting.

A compliment huh? Niceties before they ripped into each other with more debate? Eh, if that was how Epicurus wanted to play it. "Thank you..." Her eyes still watched him, carefully, an entertained smirk playing on her lips. With a critical eye, she combed his appearance and figured that he looked...well put together. Would she tell him that? Probably not. "No line jacket today? Hm..."

"How's my Saturday? Hot. Thankfully this little place has air conditioning." Fanning herself slightly, she propped her face in her palm. "And is your Saturday treating you well?"

Epicurus - 3-5-2011 at 12:47 PM

Oh. What’s this? A thank you? That was...well unexpected, honestly. Not that she didn’t seem like the grateful type, he just hadn’t expected her to admit it. In all honesty, he was waiting on her to accuse him of trying to get her in bed again with a simple compliment...but thank God for small niceties. Epic smiled at her gratitude, giving a small nod in response as they sat and she made a comment of her own. “You’re really into my jacket, huh?” He chuckled a little. Nah. She wasn’t one of those. One of the females that wanted him for the number on his back rather than just wanting him. Hell, Serita didn’t seem at all interested in him in the first place. She wasn’t a chaser, she was just floored that he wasn’t either. “It is 80 degrees outside-,” he said with a little bit of a shrug. “There comes a time where it’s just too hot.”

That was real. He remembered crossing though and for that whole first week he didn’t give a shit what the temperature was. He had earned his jacket and he wore it proud; boots too. Sure, he sweat like a sinner in church but everybody knew he was a member of Omega Psi Phi and on the days he could still stand it, he made sure they still knew.

He jumped in with a question about her day, not wanting awkwardness to fall over the table so soon. Her Saturday was...hot. Ha. He chuckled a little as she placed her chin in her palm and smirked as she asked about his. “Better now...-,” he said without thinking. That was too much...It was true though. They had only just sat down but, somehow the course of their very short conversation was...pleasant. Her presence was pleasant...but that was really for a later time.

“Now that you’re here and I can eat that is-,” he added, a smile on his lips as he grabbed a menu from behind the condiments. Epicurus passed it to her before he took his own menu and opened it. He already knew what he was having but he kind of wanted something to busy his hands. It seemed he had run out of things to say and he wasn’t sure what her limits on conversation were. He had learned the hard way what a misstep got you so he didn’t want that. He’d wait...

Serita - 3-5-2011 at 03:24 PM

Serita? Liked his line jacket? Ha. Epicurus made a funny. There was nothing that Serita "liked" about his line jacket. It was loud ass purple, stood for all sorts of conformity and was like a robin's red breast for sistas on the "ho stroll". Serita wasn't one of them, either. They type to go chasin' up after these dudes just because they've got their "letters" and a fancy jacket to go with them. It just wasn't that damn serious and honestly, it made Serita nearly gag to know that that was the only attractor for some of the girls campus. She needed for her sistas to esteem higher. Please. Though, uncharacteristically, where she normally would've pushed, she didn't. No, she wouldn't get into the "Greek issue" and its effect on the unity of the black community with Epicurus that day. Something told her that argument would go over a little rougher than the one they'd had in class.

With an look of skepticism at his remark, Serita smirked and watched him chuckle at his own joke. Really watched him. He looked better without it...his jacket, that is. All that purple, his line name, his number. Yeah, it kinda took away from seeing just...him. Not that Serita was trying to see him, it was just nice to not see all of the "Omega" and just see Epicurus. He was actually a nice looking guy, his skin a warm shade of brown. The kind the sun is completely responsible for? Yeah, that kind. And it kind of glowed, sitting on top of those high cheek bones like it was tailored just for them. Like a well made suit. A very well made... The hell? Pushing at the edge of her hair with her finger tips, Serita looked away from him, her hands coming to cross over her chest, hoping that a small smile sufficed for whatever the hell he'd just said. She didn't even want to THINK about what had just happened or where she'd let her mind slip to, much less let it happen again.

Instead, she fell back into the conversation, commenting on the weather, asking Epicurus about his day. Being...pleasant. Wow. She didn't know she was capable of it, really. Her mama probably would've been proud that she wasn't ripping his head of and consuming it whole. One time for her and being "sociable". Just as quickly as her response had come, so had his. He was better now that he was about to get his eat on? Alright, he had an appetite. Well, so did she.

"Oh, did I make you wait too long? Sounds like someone has an inner fat kid..." Serita muttered jokingly, her dimpled smile showing as she reached for the menu he handed her way. Quickly, she opened it and looked over the food selection, her mouth about ready to start watering where she sat.

"Um...I know this is hard to believe but..." Her voice broke the short silence that had settled between them. "I've been at KRU for almost four years and I've never eaten here. So, you're gonna have to tell me what's good."

Epicurus - 5-5-2011 at 09:46 AM

Hey, she was the one that kept bringing up the jacket. He could hear it in her voice when she did so though that fraternities and sororities weren’t her kind of thing. That was fine because they weren’t for everybody. She could think of quite a few of his bros and the incoming Neos that were under the misguided impression that a frat was for the parties and the women and that was that. None considered the service and they probably wouldn’t appreciate the force of their organization until they came to find themselves as people first. But he would digress. Like he said he knew she wasn’t really into GLOs and he knew himself to be quite passionate about them. It was a volatile combination should Serita say the wrong thing about his frat. A conversation he wasn’t ready to have ruin this lunch.

So he laughed. Chuckled a little at his own joke and let the conversation flow. He’d almost made a little bit of a misstep though. Better now...Really? That was his answer to her question of how his day was going? That ever so obvious come-on? Not that he was coming on to her! Not in the slightest. Epic had simply spoken before thinking. A rarity, really...because she was brightening his day a little. What? He had broken up two fights in Frear and pulled a double before coming here. Yeah. She was obviously a nice little break from his stress. Especially with her not pressuring him for an argument.

But just as he had in the class they shared, he clean up his mistake quite nicely. Better now that he could eat something. And there was no place better than Busy Bee...no place away from home that was. He’d basically lived here his freshman year and sophomore year was no different. Hell, he knew the good folks that owned the small diner. And he defiantly knew him. So you can imagine his surprise when he passed Serita a menu and she confessed that she had never been here before. And that she had been here for...four years?

“First of all-,” he began, getting the attention of Ms. Etta behind the counter, a smile on his face as he raised two fingers, placing an unspoken order. “We have to rectify you never having eaten here immediately.” He smiled as he looked back at her. “But four years?” As in she was a senior? Well that was a surprise. Not that she didn’t act her age, she just...didn’t look it. She was a couple years off of twenty-one, “So you graduate when the year is out?”

Serita - 5-5-2011 at 11:18 AM

Okay, so maybe Serita was a bit extra when it came to Epicurus and his "jacket". Although she'd never openly said anything about it, he could probably still sense her disdain for it in the way her eyes caught it whenever he was near. In the classroom, after Prof. Blakely's lecture ended, she was positive she'd literally turned her nose up at it when he'd put it on again to leave. It wasn't that she didn't like Greek organi-no, that was pretty much it. She just didn't respect the whole thing. The pledging, the exclusion, the complete and utter erasing of identity or individualism. Not to mention how one of his frat, specifically, made it his goal to hook up with Serita before the last semester of their sophomore year was over, got rejected and taped over 100 flyers with the words "FUCKIN' BULLDYKE" on her dorm room door. Classy. It was that mindset that made her even wonder why someone like Epicurus, who seemed to actually have an okay head on his shoulders, would even...think...to pledge. But what guy ever truly showed his real colors? Hey, his choice. Not hers. Never hers.

But "jacket or no jacket" really wasn't Serita's concern as anything with "social" barely held her attention anyway. Social events just weren't her thing, nor was being put in to a room and forced to "make friendly conversation". If it wasn't a debate, she barely knew what to do with herself. But none of that mattered. The parties didn't matter, the clubs didn't matter and the boys for damn sure didn't matter. Without saying it, it was clear that Serita didn't get out much. And so what? Last time she checked, her college experience was supposed to end in a degree and if she was lucky a couple of awards and a grant, not memories of drunk dancing on tables and mysterious piercings, all of which she could say she'd lived anyway because of her "wonderful" roommate, whom despite herself, Serita couldn't but love.

Knowing that every moment of Serita's college career had been spent in her dorm room, in class or in the library, was it a surprise when she'd said that she'd never been to Busy Bee's before. To Epicurus it certainly was. And she could see why as the smells that were wafting from the small kitchen clearly told her that she should've visited the small diner on the day she'd arrived. The surprise on his face melted into a smile as his fingers signaled to the woman behind the counter. Serita looked on, smirking back at the amused smile, that hinted curiosity. And she knew what his expression said before she'd even heard him speak it.

"Yeah, well...almost four years." She corrected him, closing her menu, placing it on the table top as she looked back at him, her eyes watching for his reaction. Not that she cared all too much what he would say, she just hoped she didn't get...the look. The "wow, you're a freakish baby genius" look that she always got when she told people how old she really was. "I'll graduate in the fall...spring at the latest."

"Anyway." She cleared her throat and almost audibly wished for a subject change. "What'd you order for us? Don't know if I trust your judgement on 'soul food' just yet." She joked, looking him up and down with uncertainty.

Epicurus - 12-5-2011 at 10:34 AM

A “bit extra” was a “bit” of an understatement. He wasn’t sure if she noticed when she did it, but Serita wasnot discrete about her...distaste for his organization. He had seen it in her eyes the first time they met in the caf, her sight falling first on the jacket thrown over his shoulder before finally resting on him in a scowl. He’d seen it again as they were leaving class the other day, a grimace covering her beautiful features as he put it on before she turned on her heels to exit. Oh yeah. He’d kind of deduced her opinion on his frat and as long as she didn’t come for it, there was no reason they couldn’t be cordial. Sure, he was an Omega, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t still Epicurus. His frat added to him; it didn’t take away who he was. But the path he’d chosen was not in question here. They were talking about her.

Well, almost four years. Hm. He was impressed. Not that he wasn’t used to early graduates, hell Jendayi was looking at graduation and she had just turned 16; but still. Serita was impressive...or maybe he just had a different interest in her. He nodded slightly as he spoke, “That’s uh...that’s impressive-,” Somthing she’d probably heard one time too many as she changed the subject. What’d he order? Ha. That she would just have to wait and see, but at Busy Bee there really wasn’t much you could order that you wouldn’t love. Hell, with the way the food tasted here, Epic had almost been tempted to go back to swine. Almost.

“Queen, relax. Why don’t you let me surprise you-,” he smiled a little, leaning into the conversation, “You actually might like it.” Perfect segway. “Is it just me you don’t like or is it all people?"

Serita - 12-5-2011 at 01:11 PM

Two words. Fucking. Bulldyke. And as much as Serita tried to pretend that those words didn't bother her, they just...did. Not that she had anything against women that chose that alternative lifestyle that the name she'd been called so satirically mocked. No, she just wasn't one. Yeah, she wasn't a lesbian. Despite the way she treated most...okay, all men, she had no love for anything between a woman's legs. Those words just made what she knew people probably thought about her a reality. It took a move from the dorm and one whole semester for that shit to die down, but Serita's nose couldn't help but flair whenever she saw one of those purple jackets. And those goddamned gold combat boots. So, sue her,

"Impressive?" Serita repeated, her eyebrow arching before her smirk grew into a small smile, her eyes suddenly finding the street outside way more interesting than Epicurus's eyes. Okay so, Mr. High and Mighty could be impressed? That was...interesting to know. Besides, "impressed" wasn't a word she got often. Mostly guys were intimidated and with females? The response was usually silent, in the form of a "stink face". Was it any wonder that Serita didn't like to talk about it too often? Not that she gave to shits what people thought. But her reluctance to talk about it cut down on the negative responses that she had to react to. And why the hell was she talking about it now? With him. Maybe...because something inside of her knew that his reaction wouldn't be typical. Nothing about Epicurus was turning out to be the "typical". Respect instead of trepidation? Serita knew that deep down, she kind of...expected it.

"Well, that was better than 'Oh wow, you're an effing freak of nature'! My roomate's words...not mine." Laughing, she met his eyes again and listened to the comment from his mouth. Still refusing to tell her what he'd ordered? Eh. Serita wasn't much for surprises. Never had good history with them, honestly. But the place was smelling so good that she didn't feel too much like arguing.

"Oh, so today is 'Let's talk about Serita' day, hmm?" If he could avoid answering, so would she.

"Who says I don't like you, Epicurus? I never said that. I said I don't like your arrogance, remember?" Narrowing her eyes playfully, she leaned forward a bit, too, unable to ignore the intensity that their conversations tended to take on.

"And what about you? Do you like to "one up" everyone...or is it just me? Can't really say I don't enjoy our conversations, though." Um. Was it odd for everything in Serita to hope that he didn't look deeper into that comment than he was supposed to?

Epicurus - 18-5-2011 at 06:00 AM

Epic couldn’t judge her distaste for his frat. Mostly because he didn’t know why it existed, but partly because they were human. There would be plenty of things the two of them didn’t agree on. Hell, for all he knew she watched a lot of crap reality TV; that wasn’t something he was into, but it had nothing to do with the two of them hanging out. Differences were what made people interesting, right? Okay, so maybe that was a little different. Epicurus definitely held his organization at a higher esteem than someone would reality television, but his point remained the same. There was no reason he and this girl couldn’t be around one another because of his affiliations. At least...not to Epic there wasn’t. She seemed kind of...

Yes, impressive. What? No one had ever told her that she was impressive before? She was a 19 year old senior in college. He knew people that hadn’t been able to get out of high school at that age. And she was able to keep up with him in a debate? Yeah, he was impressed and he saw no problem with admitting it. “Yes, Queen, ‘impressive’. Striking, remarkable. You’re impressive-,” he chuckled a bit. Was it so hard to believe? Surely with an attitude like hers, she’d gotten encouragement from someone in her life. Was it so different coming form him?Seemed like it, as her roommate had not had the same response.

But she was changing the subject. Asking what he had ordered before he told her to let him surprise her. He knew that probably wouldn’t go over well. She didn’t seem like one for surprises because that wasn’t something she could control. And oh did she love having control over any and everything around her. To his surprise though, she didn’t argue with him. Instead, she commented on his inquiry into her not liking him.

Ha. Still on his so called “arrogance” was she? That was fine. She’d come to know him and she’d see that’s not what it was. Humility was not something he lacked and it was something he displayed often. And his need to “one-up” everyone?

“Nah, it’s pretty much everyone-,” he replied with a chuckle. “What can I say? I like to challenge people.” He shrugged a little as she broke in admitting to enjoying their conversations. Conversations...arguments...they were pretty much the same thing right? “Good, then you can answer the question you just tried to avoid. If you treat all strangers like this, I have to wonder how you make any friends.”

Epic smiled a little trying to soften how harsh that sounded. “Not that you’re not an absolute joy to be around, but I imagine you being an onion. This is me peeling back the layers.”

Serita - 18-5-2011 at 01:52 PM

Okay so maybe it was a control thing! But who didn't like control? Especially when "control" over a lot of things didn't exist. The fact was it made Serita feel like she had a hold on something when she could control the little things. Her life was so full of things that she just couldn't help or stop...or keep. And that did nothing for her but try to hold on to the little that was left. Stupid little things like what she wore, which was why her wardrobe was so eclectic and what she learned, what she wrote about, what she believed and pretty soon, what she'd do for the rest of her life. And that...was one of the things that she couldn't wait to control as there wouldn't be any more hustlin'. She wouldn't have to work day...and night...just to make ends meet for herself. Just to live the dream. And what was more, she wouldn't have King St. to look at every weekend. As far as she was concerned, she wouldn't look at King St. again, if she could help it. If things worked out for her, there would be nothing there for her after graduation. And she couldn't wait to kiss that shit goodbye. Put it all behind her. Control herself again...

Coming back to herself and leaving those crazy thoughts behind, she met his eyes again, laughing along with him at the answer to her question. He liked to challenge people? Yeah, she totally believed it. Most of the time, when she was calling someone's bluff or showing them their own ass, they just took it or cursed her out and allowed themselves a chance to be embarrassed, yet again. But this guy, he pushed everything she said. Everything she did. He didn't let well enough alone. It was almost as if he liked to see the way people's minds worked faced with a conversation with the almighty Epicurus. He liked to flex his mind muscles and perhaps he was right. It wasn't necessarily "arrogance", but...maybe inquisitiveness. He had to have been one of those kids that just liked to ask "why". Listening to the rest of his statement, she glanced up at the waitress as she placed two glasses of ice water on the table. A godsend as Serita's mouth was like a desert, midday. Reaching for hers, she took a quick sip...and then sputtered at Epicurus's words.

I have to wonder how you make any friends. "Um...ow?" She said and coughed softly to keep from choking on the water that nearly made it down her windpipe from the sheer surprise of his statement! Wow...really?

"First of all...friends are overrated." She said, half joking. There was a hint of seriousness to what she'd said. Friends were overrated. So many people surrounded themselves with other people who could barely benefit them. People who just counted as tally marks instead of actual, meaningful relationships. And Serita wasn't interested in those. She had who she needed. Her mom, her family and...Nikki, the roomie she'd known since day one at KRU. Who needed anything else? But then again, when she thought about it, she hadn't even "needed" Nikki, to be honest. It had just...happened. Their friendship starting from the commonality of being sans father in a world where a girl needed a "daddy" like she needed air. But it was those kind of relationships that lasted. Not the ones that had people adding to their "friend's list" like fucking Facebook.

"And secondly...with a mouth that slick, it's a wonder you still have all your teeth." In good humor, she rolled her eyes and laughed again. His next words had her nodding sarcastically as he called her presence a "joy". Riiiiight. Without noticing it, her nod slowed at his words. Pausing for a moment, she noticed something. One, her heart had definitely stopped and two, she was staring. And not...good staring either. Like, really staring at Epicurus, her eyes nearly burning into him. Peeling back layers, huh? With a dimpled smirk, her eyebrow arching, she looked at her lap, avoiding his eyes.

"Hm, that's funny." Her voice was soft and husky, dripping like sweet honey off a sopped biscuit. "Because I don't necessarily remember asking you to peel my layers..." What was she doing? Was she giving him the sex voice? How the hell was she giving him the sex voice?! Okay so maybe "peeling layers" in some way had erotic undertones! But this was the guy from the caf'! The smart ass from class! She wasn't interested! NO she really wasn't interested! In ANYONE, least of all HIM! Hopefully he wouldn't notice. But being that smart, challenging ass he was, he would.

Epicurus - 22-5-2011 at 01:51 PM

Control. Control over others, control over yourself. Wasn’t that what all human beings wanted? Control over what happened in their lives, in where the path they walked took them? Yeah...that could be nice, but was it really possible. There was such thing as too much control. There were things in life that weren’t meant to be molded by human hands for a reason. Some things were best left up to whatever higher power one chose to believe in. This was one of them. No one could control how another person acted. Epic had learned that the hard way many times, and even though the message had been the same the method had always somehow disguised it. There was no way to account for every human reaction because it was just that. Human. Imperfect and unpredictable. Most people played the cards they were dealt and kept trying to make it. Others made it their mission in life to try and dictate every detail possible. Serita was one of these people. Of course she wouldn’t let him surprise her. She couldn’t control a surprise.

Epic smiled at the waitress that came to their table, leaving two glasses of water before turning away quickly as Serita picked hers up. She sipped it a bit before Epic apparently surprised her. Alright, so maybe his inquiry had been a little blunt. He had meant no offense by it, that was just the way he was. He wasn’t the local bakery...sugarcoating wasn’t his thing. Of course, she didn’t know him from paint on the wall so he would have to clean up his mess a little. But Serita was sure to have her say before he could do so. He only listened as she spoke, telling him friends were overrated and more or less how lucky he was she hadn’t knocked his teeth out. Ha.

He couldn’t help but smile as he backtracked a little, telling her what a pleasure she was and letting her know he was only trying to understand her...God only knew why...and Serita made it harder and harder at every turn because before he knew what was happening, her attitude had...well, changed, to say the least.

Her eyes left his briefly as she spoke again, the change in her voice apparent. Well, damn. Was it something he said? He wasn’t really sure how to respond to her tone. Sure, he had words that made up a response, but he couldn’t just ignore the fact that she had just hit him with the soft voice and left him a little turned on. Yeah. Turned on. Sue him, he was just a man.

Luckily, they were interrupted before he figured out how to respond to her. Food. Fried chicken, greens, and the best macaroni and cheese he had ever tasted. Of course, his mother would never know that little tid bit, but it remained true. Epic cleared his throat before thanking the waitress for a lot more than just bringing their food. Awkward crisis averted.

“Why can’t I-,” he asked quietly, fork in hand as her stuck it into his greens. “Would it really be so awful if I got to know you?”

Serita - 24-5-2011 at 05:03 PM

What...was up with her? That soft voice had been so unlike her. So different from the delicate, yet empowered Southern drawl that often poured from those full lips. A voice that spoke opinion and truth with conviction. Not this...voice. So unaggressively sensual. meant to pull in, not push away. Not that Serita wasn't or didn't understand...sensuality. But it was a place she hadn't been in a long time. The questions was: why the HELL was she there now?! What made this situation different? No sex in an incredibly long stint of time? Yeah, that's what Nikki would've said, but sex didn't mean much. It never had, to be truthful. It was just a milestone to reach and pass, just like a fifteenth birthday and a drivers license. Maybe it was just all in her head, the heightened pulse rate, the feverish skin? Just the lasting effects of her walk over to the restaurant and...besides, it was hot as hell outside. Yeah, that was all...

And even in that revelation, the slow burn of embarrassment settled onto her ears and worked its way to her cheeks, making her glad that her complexion was JUST brown enough to hide a blush. Ugh. From the second Epicurus walked into the Caf' and chose her cashier line, things had been...unexpected? Out of the norm? Yeah, those were two ways to express the complete "out of her comfort zone" feeling that Serita was experiencing now that she'd met this..guy. This totally infuriating, know it all, frat boy who challenged her mind so much that it made her brain spin! But at the same time, carried on complete conversation that didn't involve her ass or her tits and actually wanted to get to know her. Her. And that was a first...well, not exactly a first. But the closest thing to a first as her only experience with a guy who thought outside of her body was in high school. And that wasn't serious. Not that...this...he...was serious, by any means. But it was all so...new. And already the shit was getting uncomfortable. Especially when there were so many things, inside of her, that she hadn't even sorted out yet. That she hadn't even reckoned with. And no one would understand them. Not even Epicurus, in his completely innocent desire to pull back her layers, one at a time, until the very core of her was exposed, open to him. Serita couldn't let that happen, even if, by some weird twist of fate, she wanted to. And damn, oddly enough, there was a small part of her that actually WANTED to open up to him. Put her whole damn soul on display.

But that was a "no". Matter of fact, a resounding "hell no". There were too many details, too much that she couldn't even handle. And how the hell was she supposed to expect him to accept it when she wasn't even close to doing that for herself? No, keeping her distance was her best bet. And never letting herself slip like that again was the plan of action and thankfully, the waitress arrived with their order, a distraction in the appropriate place. With a smile of thanks, she looked down at the plate and nodded in approval as she spread her napkin across her lap. Forgetting all about the short, silent exchange that had just gone down was what she would do and the best way was to sample what Busy Bee had to offer.

Spearing her Macaroni and Cheese, she stiffened slightly at Epicurus's question. "Um..." Looking up at him, which was probably the wrong thing to do, her lips tightened as her brain worked overtime, spinning together her response. "Not awful. Just...Let's just say that I've got a lot of layers. A lot. And I don't expect you to take the time...really." Okay a bit of a blow off, but complete truthfulness. There was so much drama, so much shit, so much that Serita had had nothing AT ALL to do with clogging up her life that it was even frightening to have to deal with her own stuff. How would HE deal when her life was none of his responsibility? He wouldn't. That was the simple answer. And Serita decided to keep it real. His best intentions slip down into "should've, would've, could've"s the second she unloaded on him and Serita didn't need anymore disappointment. She had enough of that to last a lifetime.

"Anyway, you've totally gotten a 'win' in my book, man." She said after taking a bite of her meal, the savory flavor of the cheeses nearly giving her the world's most satisfying foodgasm. "This mac n' cheese is on point!" Okay so, yeah the food was good...but she would've taken anything at that moment that would've served as an appropriate change of subject...

Epicurus - 25-5-2011 at 07:31 PM

Epic had noticed the change in her as well. How could he not? From guarded and defensive to free and easy in less than 10 seconds? He wasn’t really sure what had happened, but he couldn’t deny that he liked it. Since the two of them met she had been...unpleasant, to say the least. Forever challenging his intentions, the reason behind his kindness. Did everyone need a motive to speak to her? Did everyone have to want something? Epic didn’t. And sure, he could concede to her probably having experienced men...boys that had been after something more than just simple conversation, but Epic wasn’t one of them. He never had been. Not that conversation was all he got out of relationships, but he took pride in really knowing a Queen before he took her to bed. He had bros that got on his case for “that chivalry shit” on the daily, but putting his dick in any open hole wasn’t who he was. No shame in it.

But yes, her demeanor had changed and it had not gone unnoticed. Nor did the embarrassment she let flash on her face before sending her emotions into hiding again. He might have told her that there was no reason to be embarrassed, but their food arrived, just in time. That short break in conversation was just what they needed to get back on track again. Sure, Serita had thrown him for a bit of a loop, but he wasn’t going to over think it. He was sure she was doing enough of that for the both of them. He would simply respond like nothing between them had changed; like he hadn’t gotten the urge to do more than speak to her the way she had just done to him.

Would it be absolutely horrible for him to get to know her? According to her words, no it wouldn’t be awful, just...what? What? Well, he might have deserved that. Payback for the ‘making friends’ comment he had made earlier, but damn. It was like that? Had he have been a ruder individual, he might have asked her outright the question he was thinking...but he wasn’t. He would wait until he knew how to ask...wait until the time was right.

He was about to respond to that though when she changed the subject on him once again. A win huh? “Well, I’m sure not many get those, so I’d like to take this time to thank the little people-,” he replied with a smile, starting in on his plate as well.

He had to approach this differently. Maybe...maybe if... “Well, okay if you’re not interested in talking about you, we can take about me-,” Epic was pretty much an open book. He didn’t see a reason for deciet. He never had. “Anything you’d like to know?”

Serita - 26-5-2011 at 10:49 AM

When she'd left Georgia for this sunny, optimistic stretch of what would probably be Thomas More's Utopia, Serita never envisioned that so many things about herself would shift and sever themselves from her completely. It was almost as if the aftermath of some "off the Richter" earth-shattering earthquake was her insides. Like troubled water, everything was upside down inside of her. Things had been simple in Atlanta. Well, simple as far as "simple" could be. Everything she battled was from the outside. The negativity, the doubt, facing the curse of what she could become. None of it was her fault. But Kapuhai Reef brought this internal struggle that was so unfamiliar to her. When she was fighting everything else, the last thing she knew to fight was herself.

Those days, since her arrival at KRU, that was all she felt she battled. Especially as she sat at the table with Epicurus, watching what was definitely a wave of confusion pass over his sharp features. Hell. If he was confused, he could BELIEVE that she was too. Something so...carnal...welled up in her whenever she was near this guy. At first, it was pure, unadulterated hate. Just seeing his all-knowing smirk and that jacket made her skin crawl. But the more she ran into him, the more that hate...kind of melted away a bit. Chipped from the hulking mass of itself. And the more that exterior of defiance and attitude fell away, letting go of something more carnal than her hate...something that she hated to admit to because she hadn't felt it in forever. It was like a shopaholic with money. It went out, but none came in.

That's what...sex was to Serita now. That was what it had turned into. She didn't even feel it. Her sex was what paid the damn bills and kept her head floating above the surface her education threatened to pull her under. Damn. And there mere fact that she had let herself think about what only belonged in her head when she was on King Street was enough to make her tune into what Epicurus was saying to her. With a small smile, she entertained whatever joke he'd just made as she took another bite of her meal. And then the offer...her head lifting up with interest. So, they were discussing him now? Wonderful. The focus leaving her would give her a moment to get herself together. She was everywhere, sporadic, flitting and flailing from forced distance to unexplained attraction, just to keep the front alive. Just to pretend as if...as if she wasn't beginning to...

"Oh, so now I get to ask the questions?" She said, out-talking her thoughts. Tapping her full lips with her finger, her eyes narrowing playfully, she feigned deep thought although she knew exactly what she wanted to know.

"Let's start with your name. I KNOW you have a nickname..." Eh, not exactly the question that she was going for, but now, it was HIS turn on the chopping block.

Epicurus - 27-5-2011 at 06:09 PM

Confused was a good word for it. Unsure was better though. Epic knew what that voice meant; he knew where it had come from, but for him? From her? It simply didn’t fit. She had been so cut off from his any and every gesture of friendliness and now all of a sudden she was...open? Willing to talk to him about something other than the agreed upon debate topic? The look in her eyes said this might be true, but her words...when she spoke...I've got a lot of layers...I don't expect you to take the time... That threw him for more of a loop then the original change in her attitude.

She didn’t even expect him to bother with her “layers”. Damn. It was something really simple, but it was deeper than she’d probably meant it to be. That one off the cuff comment told him more about her than any of their previous encounters ever could. Within the first two seconds of meeting her, anyone could tell she was intelligent; within the first two minutes they’re sure to discover she’s not to be fucked with, but somehow, in a fraction of a second, she had uttered a confession that told him...she was hurt. Someone had been missing in her life and that void was never filled. Someone hadn’t love her the way she had needed to be loved. Not to say that he was going to be that guy, but as she made that confession the harmless intrigue he had been experiencing with her changed into...something else. Damn.

Epicurus had always been one for the damsel in distress. The first girl he’d fallen in love with had a father who was abusive on every level. He felt like he’d saved her until he found out she was sleeping with his best friend at the time. Epic made her feel special sure, but so had Nate...Wasn’t her fault. She was just trying to fill the void. And the girl he’d been with before leaving for KRU? Alcoholic. A trait inherited from her mother. She was sober for the entire 2½ years they were together, but when she found out he was leaving for KRU, things went to hell again...it didn’t end how it was supposed to. He failed her. But not this girl. He wouldn’t be another one of the people uninterested in her ‘layers’. He wouldn’t fail her.

What he would do is pass her the reins for a bit. There was nothing in his life worth hiding really, so why not? He’d given her full control over conversation and she asked him...nickname? She wanted to know if he had a nickname? Really?

“Well, my baby sister Jendayi calls me ‘Peanut’ when she’s being “cute”-,” he added air quotes to his final word to emphasize before continuing, “Most people stick to Epic though. English teacher from high school told me it fit because I was so long winded.” He smiled, taking another bite of the mac and cheese on his plate as he shrugged a little.

“I know you’re going to come harder than that...”

Serita - 21-6-2011 at 06:41 PM

No, Serita didn't expect him to dig. She didn't expect him to try to understand her and she didn't expect him to push at the walls that she built up around herself. No one else had, so why should he? Honestly, the second that men met her, they took one look and fled for the heels, praying that their manhood was still in tact from one interaction with her. Although, Epicurus seemed to be something different and it wasn't hard to sense that he didn't agree to much with how she felt. Maybe did feel differently? Good for him. Serita was banking on a maybe, though. Too many girls banked on what they thought or hoped a man would do or be instead of letting him show himself. No matter how much lip service Serita got from a man, that was the only thing that mattered. What his actions said. And most men did of lot of talk, plain and simple, which was the main reason why Serita cared less when it came to men in the first place. Wrapping her life up in a man only led to a shitload of disappointment and seriously, Serita didn't need anymore disappointment.

Only once...only one time, did she wrap her life in a man. He did all the right things, said all the right things and left her. Left her high and dry, by herself, all his promises down the drain. None of them did he ever fulfill, none of them did he ever answer. And that set the precedent for the rest of the men that came in her life. That heartbreak. That failure. His failure. It taught Serita not to expect much. Only to expect what men are ready and willing to give. Lies, bullshit...and their dicks. Epicurus just fell into line with what she already knew. Sure, he seemed like he wanted to be different...wanted to take the time TO make a difference. But Serita had seen guys like him come and go, always anxious to pretend to be the fix it all and failing miserably in the end.

And yes, a nickname. Did he have one? Did she stutter? Maybe she was just warming him up with easy questions. Unlike how he just went IN with the tough ones before he even warmed her up a bit. But that's how Serita thought he might have rolled. Kind of unafraid and very to the point. But if he wanted tough, she could give him tough. He could take it. She knew he could. He hadn't cowered away from her yet, had he?

"Epic, huh. Well, you're teacher was certainly on the money with that one." Smirking softly, she forked a few greens in her mouth and thought about his comment. So, he had a little sister. Very cute. Serita couldn't imagine the girl version of Epicurus. Her eyes widened at the last part of his answer. Oh, he was goading? Okay...

"Oh definitely. Come harder?" Wiping her hands with her napkin, she leaned back in the booth and stared at him for a moment. "Why, oh why, are you so persistent? I'm sure my attitude, yes I know I have an attitude, is a turn off. Didn't seem like it bothered you much." Stopping for a second, she watched his face for a reaction.

"Either you like punishment or you're dense. And I know it's not the later...so...how long HAVE you been into S&M?"

Epicurus - 22-6-2011 at 12:19 PM

She was starting small he guessed. He hoped. From the few short arguments the two of them had shared, Epic was sure Serita would prove to be interested in more than just his nickname. Not that he had much of a desire to talk about himself, but if it meant she’d open up to him about herself a little more then he was willing. It wasn’t like he had anything to hide and there weren’t too many spots in his life he didn’t like talking about. The only way this conversation went south was if he turned it back to her...and whatever her issue was with men.

She had probably met him. That one guy that’ll promise a female the world, give her nothing, and take everything. She had been destroyed by one man and that made the rest of them shit too. That was human nature. Epic had seen it. Hell, he’d been there...He found that humans tended to praise the wrong people. Placing them on pedestals, when they’re barely deserving of walking behind you. She probably did everything she could to compliment him. Given him the benefit of the doubt, even though she knew he wouldn’t afford her the same benefit. She’d met that guy and now this guy was going to pay for his mistakes. Not to say that he was interested in being “this guy”, but hurt like hers wasn’t the kind you could build a bridge and get over. He didn’t expect her to...He wasn’t expecting anything. Just lunch and good conversation with an interesting Queen.

And since it seemed he wouldn’t get it trying to pry into her life, he would allow her to pry into his. He chuckled a little as she agreed with his English teacher’s sentiment. He wasn’t long winded, just wordy...so maybe that was the same thing and maybe he was a little long winded, but kill him for providing evidence for the points he tried to make. It happened when you read a lot. But come on. There had to be something more than that she wanted to know. He knew there was; so he challenged her. He chuckled at her reaction, her eyes widening a little as she wiped her hand on her napkin. Down to business then? Ha.

His persistence? That was a good one. He didn’t know why he found himself so interested in her, her just kind of was. Now that they were talking and not bickering though it was more curiosity than anything else. He wanted to know why her attitude, which she was aware of, was the way it was. He shrugged a little, placing his fork down as well and sliding back a bit, prepared to answer...Wait what?

“Ha. Nah, not even Rihanna could make that one okay with me-,” he chuckled a little. “I’m just curious I guess. I like to know what makes people tick. Differences make us interesting. You’re different-,” he smiled a bit thinking of the answer to the other half of her question. “And no, your attitude doesn’t bother me. I’m not a light switch, I don’t need to be turned on. I just want to talk to you.”

Serita - 22-6-2011 at 06:58 PM

Yes, his persistence. The consistency with which he kept at Serita, never letting her dismissal of him and his damn gold boots and those smart ass arguments affect him too much, if at all. It was...unsettling. That nothing that she said or did got to him as much as it had with other guys that she put through the ringer. They didn't last long. With all of their fake, fragile promises and intentions. Most of them were out the door long before any of those unnecessary utterance even left their mouths! The second they caught a whiff of the attitude she was bringing, it was over and done with before it even got a chance to start, which really wasn't a bad thing for Serita. But Epic wasn't letting it go. No matter how much she shook him, he gripped on tighter, questioning her actions, really trying to dig deeper when all he should've done was stay on the surface...or just plain away. Because when it came down to it, Epic wasn't ready. He wasn't ready for any of the reality that was Serita. He wasn't ready for the truth and he sure as hell wasn't ready for that drama, no matter how curious he was. Did he NOT hear about curiosity and how it MERKED the cat?

Almost as if he'd missed the last part of her question, Epic's face showed the surprise that Serita was hoping for. She laughed at his response, her expression growing serious as he continued to speak. He only proved what she assumed, his curiosity was what kept him interested. Like her momma would say, "men will travel the entire earth to solve the mystery of something they don't understand." It was always the ones they didn't understand or "get" that they went after and she guessed she was definitely an enigma. A puzzle with some of the pieces strewn about, in hidden places. Every piece was unique and fascinating to Epic, it seemed, completely attention holding. Exotic. That is until the entire puzzle was constructed and the true puzzle took form. What would he see then?

"Oh, I'm different? There are tons of "different" women on this campus..." Touche. But it was the truth. For every different male, ten women were just as exceptional. "Why me, Epic?"

Of course, the attitude was no stopping point. That had been established every time she lashed out at him and all he did was smile and play her entire life in return. And with that last statement, Serita fell silent. In so many words, Epic had basically told her that it wasn't about his dick. It was just about him wanting to talk to her. Get inside her head. Get to know her. And honestly, she didn't know whether to smile or grimace. He wasn't asking for anything from her, just her. He was doing it again. Smashing every single assumption with that sledgehammer of a tongue. But what made her think, and she meant really think, was the fact that something inside wanted to believe that they weren't just words. That they may have been truth...

"So..." She started, not exactly knowing where that sentence was going to end. "No one has ever successfully left me without words. But you consistently seem to." Smiling, she picked up her fork again, spearing at her food, only eating so that her silence didn't seem so...unsettling.

Epicurus - 27-6-2011 at 11:45 AM

Curiosity had never been a bad thing for Epicurus. He would go to great lengths to discover new things, but he knew his limitations as well. He knew when to say when and he knew when enough was enough. This Queen was no different. She didn’t want to open up now, and that was cool, they barely knew one another. He was willing to get to know her though, and if she was too then there was no reason they couldn’t build a friendship. If she didn’t...well that was her choice. All she had to do was tell him to back the hell off and he’d disappear. In all of their altercations though, she had never told him to simply ‘leave her alone’, opting to argue and prove to him smart she was. As much as she didn’t want to admit it, she enjoyed his company; and he was enjoying hers as well.

Even now, as she dissected his words and threw them back at him, he found her amusing. There were tons of different women on campus huh? Ha. True enough and he was well aware. He had met a few himself, and in times of weakness given them exactly what Serita expected was the only thing he was interested in. Contrary to what she thought though, men weren’t the only schemers when it came to sex and relationships. If there was one thing Epic could call himself, it was honest and that didn’t falter for anyone. Although rare, if he was interested in sex and just sex with a female, there was never any confusion about it. He didn’t make disposable promises and her didn’t deal in false hope. Again, this Queen was no different.

He wasn’t about to whisper sweet nothings in her ear, get in her pants, and then out of her life. Epic was just talking to her. It seemed to be a foreign concept to her, but eventually she would have to get that he wasn’t doing all this to get her into bed...because that would have been far easier. And he explained that to her, not in so many words of course. He simply wanted to talk to her...“Why not?” he asked in response to her question. He had left her speechless, yet again and the silence that had settled was becoming a little awkward. “Are you not as exceptional? Am I wasting my time?” He could flip stuff too. She was so quick to imply that she was no different from any of the other women on campus he could be talking to. Fine, he agreed. Now what?

“Why don’t you tell me Serita, what makes you special?”

Serita - 29-6-2011 at 05:48 AM

Maybe Epic had misunderstood her, although that scenario seemed more doubtful than possible as he had the full ability to understand quite well. Serita hadn't meant to start a comparison with other girls on the campus, she'd merely meant that out of all them, especially the ones with more than just body and fast-assness going for themselves, why had he decided to stick, like a dog to a bone, on her? Really, she'd just meant to start a little conversation his way about why her persisted, but in what Serita was beginning to see as "typical Epicurus" behavior, he'd questioned her question! Wonderful. Why had she NOT seen that coming? Why not? Ugh. And on the spot she was, again. Now she was starting to wonder if he'd lied about the love for S&M. It was torture being the center of his gaze, his questions, and certainly his challenges. The constant power struggle between the two of them, even if he had let her take the reins for a moment. She knew, more than ever, she should've taken advantage of that rein hold when she'd had the chance! Narrowing those deep, chocolate eyes, she smirked and placed her fork on the side of her plate again. She listened to him carefully as he turned her comment on her, questioning if she thought she was even worth the time.

"That's not what I meant. You know that." She'd only made the comment because, well...because it seemed so odd to her that there were Sistas on the campus that were just like her, even in some ways that Epic didn't know. They were focused, motivated, "real". There were two girls on her floor that knew three languages, not even including their native ones. Not to say that KRU was an intellectual mecca and every woman there was nothing short of a Nikki Giovanni in the making. But there were so many flavors, so many beautiful shades, so many amazing talents that...that it made her wonder why this guy, who probably could've had any of them, by mind alone, was so focused on her. To answer his question of "Why not", she should've countered with yet another, "why me?" but she didn't. She sat and thought. Probably for a bit too long, her eyes redirected from Epic's to her plate. She answered his simple question in her mind and honestly, she could've given him multiple reasons why he shouldn't even bother.

Big surprise. The confidant sista with the natural hair and the intelligence as big as her kinky curls was anything BUT the image she portrayed? Yeah, maybe so. As hard as Serita had tried all those years, with the love of a mother who was more positivity than anything she'd seen in her entire life, it still wasn't hard to let that sliver of doubt inside of herself. It had already taken up residence there, so long ago. That facade she wore cracked easy. And for so long, she'd been putting it on, like some ill-fitted costume...and wearing it quite well. So much that she started believing it. But it was guys like Epic that made the rickety foundation of esteem she balanced on shake every time.

"I don't exactly remember asking for your time..." Countering with the strike of a snake. Just forceful enough to hide the insecurity that flashed in her eyes the second those questions left his mouth. But who was this guy? Why was that question so damn hard to just...answer? She was intelligent! She was beautiful! In the eight years that she'd lived with her, her mother didn't hesitate to let her know it. But it was the first...the first eleven that couldn't seem to leave her head. That rattled around in their like old, scattered pieces of a life that deserved to be forgotten. That at times like this, tuned out every positive word her mother had said.

"You asked for mine. So don't you think that's YOUR decision to make, Epic?" With eyes that peered so hard into his, she was sure he could feel the intensity of her stare, too. Leaning forward, her elbow on the table as she looked into his light brown eyes. "What makes me special, hmm? What makes ME worth it?" she asked, her soft voice barely cutting above the sounds of the restaurant.

Epicurus - 6-7-2011 at 07:22 PM

No, he understood perfectly. She was simply asking why it was important for it to be her. She wasn’t saying that she was anything more or less than the rest of the Queens on campus...not consciously anyway. When females asked him questions like “why me”, he saw that as a confession to one of two things; she was wary of all men and wanted to know why this one was any different, or she didn’t have enough self esteem to feel like she could really be “special” to anyone. There was never a right answer to that question. Of course, he had only ever tried to answer it twice, and with the way both responses went over, it was no wonder he chose to throw her question back at her. That was really his only option; it wasn’t that he misunderstood. He understood perfectly, he simply didn’t want to answer.

So she was right. He knew that wasn’t what she meant, but he still wasn’t going to answer that. Picking up his fork he began to eat again, letting a silence settle as Serita thought up a response, possibly going over a few reasons why she was and wasn’t worth his time. If he had to guess though, Epic was sure she would tell him why she was worth it. Honestly, he would have put money on her list of reasons why she was worth it being a hell of a lot longer than the reasons why she wasn’t, because from the way she carried herself and the way she kept him on his toes, he was sure her problem wasn’t self confidence...but she had always been one to surprise him.

Epicurus chuckled as she delivered a somewhat venomous response. She was right. She hadn’t asked for him time, this had been all his doing and now he was left to let her know what made her “special”. Ugh. He honest to God hated this damn question. There was never anything specific about a person he liked. Either he did or he didn’t. It was more of a spirit feeling, an aura. That sounded a lot more out of realm than he meant it to but it was true. Liking her had been a feeling. He hadn’t over-analyzed it like she was asking him to do now.

“You’re right, I did man up and do what you were too scared to-,” he said with a wink, “So, okay. That.” He answered simply, stopping as he placed his fork back on the side of his plate and leaning into the conversation again. “You don’t quit. You keep saying that I leave you at a loss for words, but you always find something to come back at me with.” He smirked a little, picking up his fork again as he finished, “I like that...Why, oh why, are you so persistent?” he asked sardonically, mocking her question from earlier. Yes, Serita was definitely a lot like him in that aspect.

Serita - 22-7-2011 at 05:54 AM

Her persistence? He liked how eager she was? Considering that every time her "persistence" came out, she was going at it with him, she couldn't see how this made him WANT to get to know her. If anything, she'd thought that it would make him want to move farther away. That being her initial intention with Epic.But it hadn't turned out that way, had it? Nope. Like a pesky ass gnat, her attitude and inability to just stop, give up, had drawn him in. And like hell, he was the peskiest of gnats. Just flitting and flying around her head...getting inside of it too. Making her all sorts of discombobulated and just...off. He did the opposite, never the norm and...she liked it. As much as she didn't want to, she did. A guy like Epic didn't need a purple jacket or gold boots. He was just as dynamic on his own. Of course, she'd never tell him what she thought. She'd keep it locked away in her box of secret thoughts, never to reveal it to him...or anyone else.

"Smart ass..." She muttered, laughing at how he'd just played her inability to step up and just ask him for lunch and conversation. Well, it hadn't necessarily been her goal to talk to him about anything outside of class, but there they were, talking about...each other. It wasn't the most comfortable subject, but it was nice...nice to have someone want to know her. Want to break her down, chip away at her and study all the tiny slivers of her. And it seemed like it wasn't for anything other than to just know Serita. Know what she was made of, what made her tick. It was frightening, but it was...refreshing...and dangerous.

"I can't quit, Epic." Smirking before she looked back at her plate. "Gotta keep up with you, right?" But really, she couldn't quit. She could never quit. When she found herself wordless, thoughtless, breathless, that was when she would lose herself. She'd seen too many people lose everything because they met someone that rendered them speechless. And that would never be Serita. She had to keep moving, not stopping at a milk chocolate skinned brother with a killer smile, beautiful eyes (okay, she'd admit it) and enough knowledge to make her mind muscles flex when she tried to keep to his pace. He was a speed bump, something to distract her from the end game. And he was the first to threaten even doing so.

Watching him for a moment, as he ate, the corners of her mouth lifted into a soft smile. And she wondered...even though her mind wanted to fight against her as she did so. Now that she knew what made HER worth getting to know for him, she silently thought about what made him so magnetic when it came to her...that pulled her, like a moth to a flame, towards him...

Devyn - 13-2-2022 at 04:22 PM

Devyn was still riding high from her show...among other things. She'd left Tre's the day before to spend time with her aunt and her cousin before Carter went back to the mainland for school. She'd ask Tre' about coming back to his place for the night but he's told her he had plans that would run late. No biggie. Her a-DICK-ted ass was supposed to be cool on him for a while anyway since he had asked her about Koi and they'd had a very awkward conversation about what their relationship was. Ew. The last thing she wanted from Tre' was a relationship. Not that she thought he would be terrible at that...honestly, she hadn't thought about what he might be like in a relationship at all. That's how uninterested she was in them being a thing. They were friends. Fuck buddies. And that's all they needed to be.

She and Koi on the other hand...complicated as always. Despite her best efforts - including Tre' hitting her to hook up last night after all - she had not been able to stop thinking about Koi coming to her afterparty. She was happy to see him. And even though she knew how weak she became around him, she wanted to see more of him. She wanted them to be cool.

She woke up at Tre's but Koi was the first thing on her mind, so she hit him up. Devyn had asked if he wanted to meet up for breakfast and after a quick stop back to her dorm to shower and change she was here. Opening the door to the café, she did a quick scan and saw Koi already had a table. She smiled at the sight of him, but as she got closer she noticed he was...off. He'd been a little scruffy at her after party, but she was so excited to see him, she hadn't thought much of it then. But now, seeing him in the light of day he was...

"Hey-," she gave a smile, trying to keep the worry out of her voice. His hair was longer than she knew he liked, he hadn't shaved in at least a month, and it looked like he hadn't slept in even longer. She sat across from him.

"How are you?"