Kapuhai Reef

Wild Thing

Ally - 27-5-2011 at 07:22 AM

Surfside Valley's hyper-coaster, Wild Thing, features one of the world's largest weightless zones.

Milicent - 12-7-2011 at 05:13 PM

"Hold on! Ash!" Milicent's expression was wide eyed as Ash pulled her into twelve different directions for the millionth time that day! Holding on to her fedora, she took off after him. Not like she had a choice, as he was pulling her by the wrist! She laughed as they trotted off to the next thrilltastic ride. It was crazy hard keeping up with Ash at the amusement park that day. He'd been like a kid in a candy shop the entire day. Then, there was the point of the day when they really DID go into the park's candy shop! But she was having...fun. It was an amazing date, even with his horrible jokes and innuendos that made her snort in amusement anyway. They'd ridden just about everything in the god forsaken park, including the kiddie rides...totally her idea. And Ash had been nothing but a gentleman. Even with all his lame attempts to hold her...which made her flush even redder in the intense Hawaiian heat.

With a grimace, Milicent looked at the incredibly long line that Ash had just dragged her into. Great. Truth be told, she wasn't really that hot on amusement parks, but Ash was so excited about going that she hadn't wanted to object! He was so cute when he was excited! All jumpy and what not! Like a puppy. She couldn't kill his excitement. So, she bit the bullet and went with the plan. And to her surprise, it was actually really FUN. Well as "fun" as sunburning, tired legging, carrying around a bruised footed cripple could be! Ash kind of made it worth it though, even if he was wearing her out with all the rides and attractions!

"And I promise to not tell anyone when you scream like a girl the entire ride." She quipped, fanning herself as she and Ash leaned against the metal railing that queued the line of riders like cattle. With a poke to his side, she smiled at him and looked at his foot. "You still doing okay? We don't need to stop and rest your stump, do we?"

Milicent - 18-7-2011 at 03:04 PM

Cringing a bit, Milicent looked down at his foot, feeling guiltier than she had all day, even through all of his limping, or more specifically limp-running. He was being such a good camper, despite having his foot wrapped ridiculously tight to keep the swelling down. And all of that smushed down into his shoe, which was probably making things so much MORE uncomfortable. But he dealt with it, maybe because they were doing something that he wanted to do. It was apparent that he didn't mind hobbling along, as long as he got the chance to ride everything in the park! And Milicent didn't mind running right along after him, considering this was a bit of a payback for the absolute destruction she'd dealt out on his foot in the first place. Although, he hadn't exactly conned her with guilt into joining him that day. She'd...wanted to. And the day was going so well that she didn't really regret her decision to go! But she was regretting the clothes that she'd picked out, especially the mary jane flats that should've been tennis shoes.

"Okay, gimpy. I'm not carrying you back to your car..." She said, looking at the massive, metal monster that Ash pointed to, its giant body hovering over them. Looking up, she couldn't help but feel a little intimidated by its size! Smiling, she giggled silently as a quote from one of she and Dex's favorite movies, Deuce Bigalow rang through her head. This rollercoaster was certainly "a huge bitch"! But if Captain Library was showing no fear (until they GOT on the ride and he screamed like a girl), then Red Hot would show no fear, as well. If she was going to be his smokin' hot sidekick, she had to be just as brave, right?

Moving with the line, she met Ash's eye and smiled at his childish, sneaky smirk. Emphasis on "sneaky". Crossing her arms over her chest, she prepared herself for his next comment. Ha! Get to know each other, huh? Why did she not hesitate to believe that his comment had sexy undertones. Oh, because most of his humor did. With an embarrassed blush (also known as the one thing Ash made her do religiously), she chewed her lip and turned from him for a moment. "Why Harper, whatever do you mean?" She choked out, her head still turned.

"Because I am NOT having line sex with you..." She hissed, a jovial laugh pouring from her as she nudged him back.

Milicent - 20-7-2011 at 01:10 PM

Dear lord, did he have to keep saying "sex"?! Milicent almost kicked herself in her cute little suede MJ's for saying it in the first place! She swore, the more the word came out of his mouth, the redder her complexion got! There had to be something that she knew how to do with Ash, besides BLUSH. With a playful shove, she shushed him, the people in front of them looking at him over their shoulders. The last thing she needed was for someone to think that they were going to break out in a raucous round of dry humping as soon as they boarded the ride. Although, she wasn't so sure that Ash wasn't serious.

"Well, I'm so sorry that you will NEVER find out just how 'awesome' it is..." Moving with the sluggish line a few steps, she rolled her eyes at Ash's sigh, a smile spreading across her face. Yes, they would have to talk...something that hadn't been too hard at all for them...well, outside of today. Even though they'd been having so much fun, running around the park (and in his case, limping), they hadn't talked much. Sure, she'd given him a few words here and there, but they'd been chatting like crazy about what ride to ride next, when they should have been talking about each other. Getting to know each other, right? That's what people did on dates...she was sure of it. Or was she? Then again, she also thought that people danced to suddenly appearing string quartets and broke out into musical numbers during dates. Yep...movies warped her brain.

"Yes. Talk...and it won't kill you to do so. Maybe you'll get your mind out of my pants, yes?" With another laugh, she bit her lip at his question, narrowing her eyes as she spoke. "I already know what to ask you. Ready for it?" Leaning against the rail again.

"So, what IS the secret to your frat boy hair? Do tell!"

Milicent - 21-7-2011 at 02:20 PM

Oh god, she didn't need to know that. Flushing, she put her face in her hands as Ash talked about the fact that every guy was guilty of having their mind in SOME girl's pants. Every guy! Even her little brother? Oh, she did NOT need to know that. She was perfectly fine believing that her little brother still played with trucks and video games and ate his boogers (which he totally did in the second grade). Knowing that he probably had some little girly that he thought about more than he should...in the pants...was way too much for her! But with Ash? She was way more than ready to believe that he was just perv enough to have his mind permanently ingrained in some poor girl's trousers. And the fact that that poor girl was probably her? Well, that was a little...hell. She was flushing even more!

"Yes, your frat boy hair. Don't judge my choice of conversation pieces. I don't judge yours, Cap'in!" Laughing again as he talked about the genetic prowess of his hair, plus a little Axe. Her hand came to his hair, patting the hardened spikes carefully as she nodded, soaking up the pointless information of his hair. Of course she knew that she was asking about his hair! But she really didn't mind what they were discussing, as hearing him talk was just as nice.

"Oh wow, Ash. So much pompous...so little time to talk about it all and so little reason." Zing. Nice comeback, Milicent. Point for her. She knew it was all in fun! He was such a sweetheart, even with the jokes that they shared. And now it was his turn to ask the fun questions that she really didn't want to answer at all.

"Um, none of the above. What you see is what you get!" Smirking, she thought again. "Well, I do curse like a sailor! That has to get me some 'bad girl' points, don't you motherfucking think?"

Milicent - 23-7-2011 at 03:30 PM

Okay, so maybe she wasn't the world's baddest bitch! There were no hidden tattoos, strange affinities for sex with people in furry costumes or a problem with the "crack rock". She was just...Mils. The only thing that she had going for her that was out of the ordinary was the fact that she loved to watch movies with her little brother. Oh oh! And the fact that she ate guacamole like normal food, instead of as a topping/dip. OR! Maybe that thing that she could do with her ears where she wiggl...no, not that. But nothing crazy and out of the ordinary. That was just...her. She was ordinary. Kinda humorous, awesome red hair and pretty fortunate boobs. Too bad if Captain Library couldn't take all that "normal" floating around considering he was the king of abnormal with his hair that defied gravity and that high pain tolerance as she was sure she would've been rolling around on the ground in pain after walking on a bummed foot all day.

"Nope! That's about it. I'm just totally, unfortunately, innocent." With a nod, she laughed and raised an eyebrow at the next things he'd said. Innocent? Well, okay. Maybe Ash was kind of innocent looking. Even if his hair WAS frat guy spiky, his eyes were as kind and as warm as she could bet his heart was. Annnnnd, that was gay. But he did look like a total sweetheart and Milicent knew that he was as he hadn't punched her in the tit when she smashed his foot in the library. He'd been so sweet about it, even going as far as to ask her out! Well, maybe that wasn't the nice side talking...maybe he just wanted to perv it up with her and sneak-touch her like he'd been doing the entire day. Alas, there was a bad side, eh? Oh, Milicent had to see this.

"And your naughty side involves you getting naked?" She asked as he begin to lift up his shirt in front of her, causing a brand new flush of red to spread on her cheeks. Thankfully his back was turned! "Wow, you should've told me you were stripping! I would've brought...WHAT THE FU-" With lips clamped shut, Milicent nearly doubled over in laughter. And she would have, had she not been holding for dear life onto the railing. A BUTTERFLY? A tramp stamp BUTTERFLY?!

"Oh...Ash. I think-I think we just became best friends..." She said as he dropped his shirt and listened to him explain the unfortunate tattoo. That was AWESOME. And it made her affinity for cursing...so boring. She had to think of something else.

"Uh...well I can...OH! Here's a good one. Give me any movie title and I can turn it into a porn movie! " With chin lifted, she proudly proclaimed.

Milicent - 24-7-2011 at 08:33 AM

Nearly laughing a bit too loudly at his tattoo story, Milicent lifted the back of his shirt, his body twisting around so that she could get another look. All she could do was shake her head in disbelief. When she'd met him in the library, she would've never thought that he would've been the type of guy to even think about drinking. He'd just looked so serious and...kind of "moody". But this Ash, the drunken frat guy with a tramp stamp, was much more cooler than she'd originally assumed. She liked him...it! She meant it! She liked his personality. He was a good surprise and as she got to know him a bit more, the surprises got even better and that tattoo was most certainly one!

"Other hidden tattoos, you say?" And again, perv joke number 239432334. Milicent laughed at it anyway, as she couldn't help but admit...it was cute! "Let me guess, you've got your boyfriend's name somewhere on your body, too?" With another laugh, she moved up in the line, spotting the empty space where the people in front of them had been standing. Pulling him by the shirt, he followed her to their new spot, both of their backs coming to rest on the metal rail behind them.

"See, I'm not completely boring after all! And those are totally easy, Ash. You could've given me something a bit more challenging." With her hands on her hips, she narrowed her eyes. "Star Whores and Ferris Bueller's Jack Off. Next?" Her serious expression broke as she giggled and ran her hands through her hair.

Milicent - 25-7-2011 at 03:24 PM

With a disgusted groan that soon joined his laughter, Milicent covered her face with her hands and moved away from him. She kind of asked for his reply though, her smart rebut following one of his crude, but very expected, come ons. And even though, it still made her laugh. Ash's humor was the one thing about him that she really couldn't ignore. They were always laughing and joking together and she'd never melded so well with a guy. Not like that. Not ever. She was always "too weird" or "too sarcastic" or too-something or other. Oddly enough, she'd never had anyone complain about her being "too sexy". Probably because she wasn't. She was awkward and her middle name was "dark humor". But that was okay, because Ash seemed to like it and roll with it. The were a great team, she and Captain Library. Uh and by team she meant "duo", not relationship or anything. Of course not! Even though they were on a date, it totally didn't mean that they were, like, going out or anything. Psh. Or, did it? Honestly, she didn't know! Their date had been going really well and they would probably go on another one as she was sure that there was barely ANYTHING she could say to mess it up. So, what came next?

"I don't know what I'm more concerned about..." She said, dropping her hands to her lap as she sat in the little space between the top and middle metal bars. "The fact that you made a butt sex joke or the fact that you admitted being the 'bottom'. Laughing again, she stretched her legs out, tapping the top of her shoes together as she looked up at him, hovering over her. In an odd way, she couldn't help but like him...a bit more after seeing that butterfly on his upper ass. And not because she kind of saw his ass, but because it said that he didn't take himself too seriously. There was no way that she could go without noticing it now, Ash was clearly a frat guy. But she hadn't noticed it first off because, well, he wasn't a douche for one. But because he was so laid back and...so much like her. Kind of odd, but totally comfortable with it.

"Basics have been tested." Rubbing her hands together, she bit her lip and narrowed her eyes at him. "Robbin' Hoes, a story of bandit hookers. Clockwork Porn-ge, a journey into dark, satirical sex annnd...ooooo that last one's a hard one, Captain." Oh no, there was a prize? A wish? Hmmm, well well. Looked like she was going to have to work a little harder to figure out that last one, hmm? Especially if it meant getting a wish granted?

"You? As a granted wish? Kind of anti-climactic, don't you think. But, eh...guess I can bet for...you." Chuckling she scrunched up her face and smiled, elbowing him softly. "Oh and by the way, Terms of En-do-me. Yeah, not as clever, but totally doable. No pun intended."

Milicent - 28-7-2011 at 07:30 PM

Of COURSE she was amazing at what she did. There were few that had the innate power of movie title warping and she, oh mighty Red Hot, had mastered it and made it her own! No one could face her unbeatable power. Her wit like lightening! Her brother thought it was kind of crude, but also useful, especially on long car trips. The whole family got involved, not as if her mother and father wouldn't. Maturity, even with two kids, jobs and a few gray hairs here and there, wasn't their strong point. Milicent liked them like that. They were great parents, supportive, always there, but at the same time, they weren't afraid to be completely honest and...real with she and Dex. They talked about any and everything (which kind of explained Milicent's uncanny understand of sex) and never left a stone unturned. They were great parents, even if they were adolescent.

"Oh, you have GOT to be kidding, Ash. How do you even know what the bottom feels like...wait. Oh..." Feigning the unpleasant swallow of vomit that should've been rising into her throat at that comment, she shook her head at Ash as laughter peeled from her mouth. He was too much, really he was! The bottom was more comfortable? Wow, she couldn't help but respect his fervor for keeping a joke alive. She wasn't sure that even SHE had that much commitment, but Ash never dropped it, even though the smirk on his lips betrayed the humor of the moment. How he was still single was completely beyond her. No, seriously. It was! Ash was a barrel of laughs. From the moment they'd entered the park, he'd had her laughing heartily at all of his dirty jokes and blushing in the moments she wasn't laughing. Even sentence was a surprise and every reaction was just as much! He kept her on her toes! But of course, most girls (especially the ones at KRU) weren't really about what was beneath the surface. Even though, those sparkling blue eyes that lit up whenever he was being "naughty", that impish grin and his sculpted features weren't to bad on the eyes either! So, why was he...single? Wait...was he single? During their entire time together, harmless flirting and all, she hadn't even taken the time to ask! Sure, he asked her on a date, but what if it was just to hang out, as friends? Bah, she was thinking too much. Far too much. They were just out, together. Having a great time. That was enough...wasn't it?

"I told you that was my thing. Did you doubt my prowess?" She answered, looking up at him and smiling as she spun her fedora in her hands. "Ha! I'm sure you would...naughty boy." Batting her eyelashes at him, she chuckled softly as he made fun of her last choice of porn title. Shrugging at it, she smirked a little. She'd answered his challenge, hadn't she? Oh, SPERMS of Endearment. Ten times better, she had to admit. Laughing along with him, she gave him her hand and let him pull her forward as the line moved a bit, swatting at him playfully as he poked her side.

"Oh no!" She gasped as his arm wrapped around her shoulders, letting him pull her into him. Laughing again she listened to him talk about how great it would be if she were an ex-porn star. "You found me out! Whatever shall I do to win your silence?" Now, that sounded like the start of a porn movie that she couldn't wait to NOT see. Without thinking, she wrapped her arms around his waist as they stood there, falling silent as she blushed over her bold move. Well, they were already kind of hugging, weren't they? So, she just returned the hug! Simple as that...

"You know..." She said, looking up and into his blue eyes. "You're kinda...cute...close up." Oh...shit. Did she JUST SAY THAT?! Looking away quickly her tight hold on his waist loosened, her little chuckle hopefully not telling TOO MUCH about how embarrassed she was that she'd let that slip!

Milicent - 14-8-2011 at 04:10 PM

Returning the poke to the side that she'd gotten early from him, Milicent giggled, feeling like a fucking school girl instead of a mature...okay, maybe "not so mature"...college student. "Not so" meaning not at all, actually as she was pretty sure that standing there and listening to all those sexual innuendos that she had to admit, left her feeling a little...sordid, made her just as immature as Ash! Whatever! Big deal. She may not have liked having her face flush for the thousandth time that day, but she did like laughing. And she certainly liked laughing...with him. Even if they kept getting looks of disdain from offended, and probably disgusted, parents that stood with their families, close to Milicent and Ash in the ever dragging line. Grimacing in embarrassment, Milicent met their eyes with a silent apology as they probably believed the worst about she and Ash. With all the talks of gay sex and porn stardom going on, they were probably seconds from being thrown out of the line for indecency. If only she and Ash didn't feed into each other, providing the fodder for the others' inappropriateness!

"Um, yeah. You might not want to finish that one, buddy." Milicent laughed again as it sank in with Ash that she actually thought he was "cute". Ugh, it'd just slipped out, actually. His arm around her shoulders, their faces so close, that playful smile. Horrible combination of things. It was like a cocktail of fail for her as it ended in her word vomit! But you can't take words back, now can you? When they're out, they're out! And there was nothing that she could to, but to wait on his reaction and pray that he wouldn't tease her about her careless words...well, tease her too badly, at least. She knew that the chiding remarks would come and she decided that there was only one thing to do: brace herself for them and pray that he didn't make another joke about sex!

Rolling her eyes playful, she listened to Ash complain about his "cute" status. Yes, he was cute! What was so wrong with cute? What did he want from her? Dashing? Handsome? Charming? Aloof? Okay, maybe not "aloof". But "cute" was just as good, right? Biting her lip, nervously, she smiled at him again and shrugged. "Cute not good enough for you, Cap'in? Because I can take my cute and replace it with an "eh"." Giggling softly, she looked up at him and shook her head at his dramatic response.

"Hurts you on the inside? Then I don't think I want to know how it makes you feel on the outside..." Leaning against the rails with Ash, her arms stayed linked around his waist, her body leaning into him more than it probably should have been. And what was this? She was cute too? A giddy feeling rose in her, shooting right to her stomach and stirring up the mess of butterflies that she didn't know had inhabited there until that very moment. A small smirk graced her lips as she looked at him, her smirk slowly breaking into a smile. The moment was quick lived, Ash grabbing one of her red curls and wrapping it around his finger.

"You...concern me." She said and laughed, pointing her finger at him before she tugged at his hair softly. Pulling herself from underneath his arm, she grabbed his hand, smiling shyly as she linked fingers with him and pulled him from the railing, the line moving ahead a bit more.

Milicent - 31-8-2011 at 04:14 PM

Honestly, Milicent was too giddy for herself! Her brother, if he had been standing in line with them, watching the entire thing play out, would've probably retched by now at her inability to stop smiling and giggling...and flirting. Whoa. She was FLIRTING. That was...crappin' incredible, if she could say so. That she'd even gotten to the point in a conversation with a guy where flirting was even possible was amazing in itself! Ash was a different one, that was for sure. No, not because of the crudeness or the hair that defied gravity. But because he hadn't run away, screaming for the hills yet. Not like...there were dating or anything, but that said...a lot. Even as a friend. But then...were they friends if they...thought they other was cute? Well, the hell of course! Why wouldn't they be? Had he said "Hey, I think you're cute and I want you to raise my children?" Uh. And what did raising children have to do with dating? Oh God, she was literally thinking too much. Which was probably why she never dated. It was just a lot of though, a lot of feelings and a lot of emotion that she'd never gotten the chance to experience and when she talked to her friends who'd actually dated guys who probably pledged the same frat as Ash, she wasn't really sure she wanted to! But when she thought about "Cap'n" Library and his completely dirty tongue...oddly, those...fears weren't as loud or obnoxiously scary.

"Your unrequited what now? Ash...you're a dork." With a laugh, she avoided looking at their joined, swaying hands. There was no way she was blushing for the fiftieth time that day. Forty-nine was quite enough, if she could say so herself. Rolling her eyes back to his puppy face, she sucked her teeth and laughed again as her eyes followed his to the rollercoaster cars that had come into view. Phew. It was about damn time. They'd been standing in line long enough for her red bang to start sticking to her damp forehead. Those huge fans under the shed that protected the lucky riders who were closer to actually riding, blew against their backs. Only a couple of people away and they'd be the next to ride!

With a heavy sigh, she blew her bangs from her forehead, tapping her hat against her thigh. "This ride better be worth it, Captain. Or you totally owe me an evening of thrifting..." Thrifting. Like he knew what that was. And if he did, she'd move about ten percent closer to believing that that butterfly tramp stamp wasn't a mistake. Leaning against the rails as the last of the people in front of them walked through the gate and the mechanized gate closed in front of them, she fanned herself with her hat and watched the car take off, climbing the track that she and Ash would soon be taking.

Milicent - 5-9-2011 at 12:02 PM

There was something...pleasant...in the fact that Ash had no idea what "thrifting" was. It meant that he wasn't the "hipster" type that took life too seriously and then tried to pretend that he didn't. Very unappealing. Very no bueno. But of course, that wasn't Ash. He was much too easy going for that. A bit crude, but still...quite "go with the flow". So much so that she could swear, as she slid into the seat on the right of the roller coaster car, which happened to be in the VERY front (thank you, Ash), she could feel the excitement radiating off of him. That was the most endearing thing about him. She knew it. How excited he was. How even though he wore the exterior of seriousness, his heavy brow, those intense eyes and the face that looked like it wasn't meant to smile, he was complete...energy. So much of it ran through him it was almost crazy to try and keep still whenever she was around him! But she liked it...a lot.

"If I'M scared?" She laughed, pulling the restraint down around her shoulders as the ride attendant came to check to see if it was securely fastened. "Please Ash, you'll be too busy screaming the 'fucking awesomeness' of this ride to even notice my fear." Laughing she looked straight forward, the buzzer going off to signal the start of the ride. And okay, she had too admit, her knees clenched together in anticipation, one hand clamped around the restraint around her shoulders and the other...reached out for his hand, linking with it quickly. She could barely see him over that HUGE safety brace, but she knew those eyes were sparking and his smile was huge.

"Damsel in distress my ass!" She yelled so that he could hear her over the chatter around them and the clanking of the car climbing the tracks. Letting go of his hand, she threw hers into the air, laughing at the string of curse words that poured from Ash's lips as the car headed downward, quickly descending the first slope.

Milicent - 13-9-2011 at 11:48 AM

Considering that the ride was only about twenty seconds, the screams of "fucking awesomeness" weren't really all that bad...even if they seemed like they were aimed right at Milicent's ear. Besides, she couldn't really hear them over her own yelps! Ugh, rollercoasters just really weren't her thing. But this one? She had to admit that Ash hadn't completely overblown the hype about this rollercoaster, even if she didn't necessarily see the point of them. All a rollercoaster was was a glorified thrill ride that you waited in line for over an hour for and only enjoyed for a couple of seconds. What was the point? Regardless, Ash actually liked the things so Milicent chalked it up and tried to enjoy her time on one too. And surprise, it wasn't hat bad. Well the "after the ride" hair was something left to be desired (good thing she had a hat), but it hadn't been too bad...

Smirking at his boisterous laugh, Milicent screwed up her faced at him as she pushed her hair back and pulled her fedora back on her completely crapped over hair. "Well, I'm glad YOU enjoyed it, Mr. Harper." A laugh escaped her as she listened to him rant about the rollercoaster awesomeness they'd just experienced. She watched him as they slowly walked away from the ride, the thrill and excitement on his face not even leaving now that the ride was done and over with.

"Do I feel what?" Okay, so that question had come out of nowhere! Well, perhaps Milicent shouldn't have lowered her defenses. She should've known more sexual banter was to be expected. Pushing him softly, she narrowed her eyes at him and smiled, laughing softly.

"Frisky? How the hell is a rollercoaster supposed to make me feel frisky? Unless...wow." Stopping in her tracks she looked up at Ash, her face playfully aghast. "Do rollercoasters make you...excited, Ash Harper?!"

Milicent - 27-9-2011 at 04:28 PM

This guy. It was a rollercoaster fetish, huh? Wonderful. As if Milicent needed another thing to make her laugh out loud, her throat a bit raw from the screaming she'd done on the ride. Of course she'd screamed! But her shrieks were less "how awesome is this!" and more "if I live through this, I promise I won't make fun of people's ugly babies anymore!". That kind of "scream". Definitely. How Ash was so cool with something that made her think of a Jigsaw death trap, she would never know. But it was neat that he had his own thing. So many people on campus were into whatever one else did or said...or thought... It was pretty tragic. And at first sight, Milicent would've thought that Ash would've been too! But he was completely the opposite. Quirky and fucking adorable...in a creepy, probably very off-putting way. Thankfully, Milicent liked off-putting.

Now the off-putting was serving up with a side of heavy flirt that, instead of peaked her interest, made Milicent look like she was breaking out in hives. The blotchy red of "oh my GOD!" spread over her bare shoulders, crawled up her neck and burned her cheeks! With a nervous giggle, she bit her lip and tried not to laugh as Ash stepped closer to her, that line about the bad things he wanted to do to her making her arms cross across her chest, almost like a blockade. Dear fuckin' baby Jesus, this guy did not stop! He was like the Sex-ergizer Bunny! He kept going and going and...okay that thought wasn't helping either. Why was she getting so freaking flustered? It was harmless flirting, right? Or was it? What if he was serious? What if he...

...a little kiss? Milicent's grayish-blues rounded as a giggle slipped from between her lips before she clenched them together, shutting that sound away forever (she hoped)! The nervous, tinkling giggle she got every time something was beyond a response. This time she'd have to respond! How crazy did it look that a guy asked for a simple...kiss and she was very near falling apart? All because this and only this was the one time her awkward got the best of her. The one time when she couldn't just "go with it", make a massive joke of it and laugh it off. Intimacy was the game and "fail of all things intimate" was her name! She just didn't...do well, when it came to being close to guys. And by "do well" she meant the last time she kissed a guy, she bit his tongue and made him bleed. Yep, that kind of fail.

"Um...I-Ash!" Was all she could muster, her hand coming to keep him at a safe distance, although it just ended up catching his hand, their fingers intertwining, instead.