Kapuhai Reef

Member Pictures!

Kiki - 27-6-2011 at 12:49 PM

I always start this thread because *coughI'mastalkerandIwanttoknowwhateveryonelookslikecough* I like to match pretty/handsome faces with glowing personalities :D
Post up a picture if you are so moved!

('Scuse the quality. Took it with Kenji (the cellular device))

Ally - 27-6-2011 at 01:30 PM

Awwww kiki! *smooshes face* You're so precious!

Annnnd, here goes nothin'

Why yes, that is BUTTERBEER in my hand.

(some are weird quality b/c i don't have a super camera like SOME PEOPLES (lol) and I took them on my iPhone!)